Issued on: 21.11.2018

W.e.f. : 26.11.2018






All employees of the company are divided into following categories for the purpose of perks & facilities:

Category I


(A) Senior Most Executive (SME)



(B) Senior Executive

Category II



Category III


(A) Assistant Executive



(B) Senior Assistant

Category IV


(A) Watch & Ward, Driver, Cook, Bearer, Mali and Sweeper



(B) All workers

The financial year of the company is - from 1st April to 31st March.


Employees governed under Minimum Wages Act are paid salary/wages in accordance with the Act. In respect of others, consolidated salary is paid.

3.Annual Increments:

The annual increments shall be subject to efficiency, work, attendance and conduct, at the discretion of the Management. Handsome increments are given to deserving employees.

Interim increments are considered for outstanding performance. Employees with outstanding and excellent performance will be rewarded suitably for their high efficiency, intelligence, diligence and sincerity.

4.Performance Incentive for all Staff with salary of Rs 21,005/- p.m. and above: Performance incentive of 15 days salary every year is paid in July, provided:

(a)The employee has completed 12 months service, by March end every year.

(b)Working efficiently and getting minimum ‘B++’ grade (those left or leaving will not be entitled to this incentive).

(c)For new employees, who have joined between the month of April to month of March, it will be paid proportionately from the date of joining


5.Annual Bonus:

Bonus will be paid only to workmen as per the Payment of Bonus Act. Normally bonus is paid @ 20% basic salary to all workers whereas for other category of employees bonus component is merged in their salary itself. It will be paid to all employees whose salary is below Rs. 21,000/- p.m, other than workers. For workers , bonus will be paid without any salary limit. However , Bonus shall be paid only on basic salary of the employees.


It is the policy of the company that whenever opportunity arises for promotion, preference will be given to existing employees of the company. Thus, everybody can come up and reach any level with perseverance, honesty, patience, loyalty and sincerity.

7.Prizes, Awards etc.:

At the Annual Function which takes place just immediately after the close of the financial year, an assessment of the company’s progress and the employees’ working is made. Apart from giving increments and other facilities to the employees, the company honours the efficient, sincere and hard working employees with prizes and awards individually from all Departments.

8.Important: All SMEs beyond age of 75 and all other employees beyond age of 65, subject to final assessment and approval of CMD/PJK, will not be given (entitled to):

(a)Superannuation contribution (beyond 60 years for others and beyond 65 years for SMEs.

(b)Increment (50% will be reduced)


Normal retirement age as per law and rules is 60 years for all categories of employees. The above rule may be extended/relaxed at the discretion of CMD/PJK as per various factors including health, loyalty, sincerity, honesty, efficiency, performance, adjustability.

9.Working hours:

(a)The office will work from 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

(b)Lunch break for the staff staying with family in the campus will be 1 hour. For those coming from City and bachelor staff staying in the campus ,it will be half an hour, staggered between 12.00 noon and 1.30 p.m.

(c)The factory will work from 8.00 a.m. to 4.45 p.m. with lunch break from 12.00 noon to 12.45 p.m. (General Shift).


The office/factory shall observe the following holidays in a calendar year :

National holidays



May Day/November 1



Other festival holidays
















Free furnished family or bachelor quarters will be provided in the factory campus, subject to availability. Allotment of quarters will be made by the Welfare Committee.


(a)Employees coming from City are provided free lunch in the canteen.

(b)Employees who are provided bachelor accommodation are given free breakfast, lunch and dinner in company’s canteen. Besides, they (staff only) will be provided one glass of milk daily at night after dinner. Further, snacks will be provided to bachelor staff on all Sundays and holidays at 5.30 p.m.. Staff working late beyond 5.30 p.m. are also provided snacks daily at 6.00 p.m.

(c)Workers coming for duty from outside the campus shall be provided lunch/dinner in our labour canteen free of cost according to their duty timings.

(d)(i) Employees provided with family quarters can have food in the canteen when their families go out of station, against payment of subsidized charges as shown below:

a) For Staff & their Guests:


Staff & their Guests


Amount (in Rs.)



















The above mentioned facility is for staff, their family and guests, SMEs are totally exempted from any charges. Staff up to the level of SE and below staying in family quarters should arrange meals on their own when their family is not in station and only in emergency cases, food should be taken in the canteen to avoid any misuse/indiscipline.

For Workers & their Guests:


Workers & their Guests


Amount (in Rs)



















The above facility is only for workers and their guests. Families can also take food in case of any emergency. However these are current rates and management can revise the same from time to time.


(ii)No home delivery of meals will be allowed except in emergency cases. If any family member is seriously ill and not able to prepare food at home, the concerned staff may procure food from staff canteen by sending any of their family members or servants to the canteen. No canteen boy will deliver meals/thali in their house. However, in very serious/emergency cases, thali can be delivered at home of staff members by canteen staff for which double amount per thali will be charged for home delivery. This should be avoided as far as possible. However, there will be no extra charges if meals/thali is collected from canteen by staff members themselves or through their family members/servants. The empty utensils should be returned to the canteen by the concerned staff within 3 hours failing which a penalty of Rs.10/- per hour will be charged extra.

The canteen staff will maintain complete record of food taken by staff and AM will keep check and be responsible for any mistakes/lapses. IAD will check these records once in a month and report to ED for any violation.

In case of workers, in addition to normal charges for meals as specified above, additional charges of Rs.20/- per thali will be charged for house service. This additional charges will be paid by the concerned worker to the canteen contractor directly .

(iii)Facilities are available to provide food for employees’ guests in the canteen on payment of charges as prescribed above.

(iv)Those who take food from canteen on payment should give advance intimation to AM/WO and get a food slip from Admin. Department. The canteen Head Cook should collect and retain the food slips whenever food which is chargeable is served. Failure to follow the procedure will result in double the normal rates being charged for employees and disciplinary action against the Head Cook.

(v)No guest shall be allowed this facility for more than 10 days during the year and not more than 5 guests will be allowed during the year.

(e)Tea/coffee/biscuits will be served to all office staff at their workplace, free of charge two times in a day.

(f)One tea/coffee dispenser is placed near the ground floor pantry and another near technical library at the first floor. All staff members can avail this facility during office hours free of cost any number of times. However , staff is expected to use such facilities judiciously.

(g)Whenever any employee (with family) joins, they will be served six free meals from the time of their joining, i.e. breakfast, lunch and dinner.

(h)All SEs/Executives taking food in the staff canteen should follow the ‘self service system’. However, this will not be applicable if food is taken along with company guests in Executive/VIP room.

(i)SMEs staying in the campus can have breakfast, lunch and dinner in the staff canteen during the absence of their family and any day without giving any notice even, free of charge. If family of SME’s ask for meal in their house, they will be charged as above.

(j)All single staff members who are taking breakfast/lunch/dinner in the canteen should inform the cook well in advance when they do not wish to take the meals, particularly on Sundays/holidays, so that the prepared food does not go waste. A note book has been kept and all must inform the cook verbally and also should write in the note book about their not taking breakfast etc. Whenever food prepared for a particular staff goes waste, he will be charged Rs.50/- for that.-


(k)Staff taking food in the canteen or getting thali at home should give advance intimation to canteen. If the intimation is received at the last minutes, food will be served only if available.

(l)All concerned should follow the procedure strictly. AM should keep watch and inform his seniors in case of misuse for taking action. If any misuse is observed, the concerned person will be debarred from using the facility.

(m)All workers and staff in factory are provided tea and snacks, twice in each shift, as per details given under point 8(b) .

3.Educational Facilities:

The company has established a school, PUC college and Degree College for Women near the factory campus in Jindal Nagar. The employees’ children are admitted in these institutions on preferential basis. Maintenance/Tuition fee is applicable. No fees other than that specified by JPS and JPC shall be charged for the children of the employees of Jindal Organisations who are studying in these institutions (organisations include JAL, MCH, JNI, JPS, JPUC, JDCW, JCH, MACI).

Fee concession are being provided to the children of the employees of JAL and all other institutions studying in JPS, JPUC and JCW whether staying in the campus or outside as per details given below:

A. For Girls


i. If monthly gross income of the employee is Rs. 25,000 pm or below

75% concession

ii. If monthly gross salary of the employee is above Rs. 25000 & upto Rs.50,000/-pm

50% concession.

iii.If monthly gross salary of the employee is above Rs. 50,000 & upto Rs.75,000/- pm 25% concession

iv If monthly gross salary of the employee is above Rs.75,000 pm


B. For Boys


i. If monthly gross income of the employee is Rs. 20,000 pm or below

50% Concession

ii.If monthly gross salary of the employee is above Rs.20,000 & upto Rs.50,000/- pm

25% concession

iii.If monthly gross salary of the employee is above Rs. 50,000 pm


Monthly income means monthly salary including basic, efficiency allowance, special allowance, and bonus/incentive; overtime etc. other perks like gratuity, medical, LTA leave should not be taken as part of the salary. If spouse of any employee is also working, salary of both has to be considered.

Concession is applicable only for tuition fee. All other fees will be collected in full. However in college, it will be applicable on total fees.


4.Incentive for daughters of JAL/JNI/MCH Staff

If the daughters of JAL/JNI/MCH Staff (Clerk to SME level) living in JAL/JNI/ MCH/DF Campus are going for higher education after 10th or 12th standard, they will be awarded a scholarship as per the course taken up at the discretion of the management i.e. for graduation Rs.2000/- p.m. maximum and for professional courses Rs.5000/- p.m. (if actually spent on fees only) + hostel expenses/fees of Rs.2000/ - 4000/- p.m. (depending on the course and actual fees) if living in hostel. This is provided if the father continues to work with JAL/Institutions up to any age whether in B/F, D/F or in any of the branches in India. No scholarship will be given to married girls. Scholarship will be awarded subject to the following conditions:

1.The father of the student must be working for a minimum of 04 years to be eligible for this scheme.

2.If the father leaves the services of company/institution, the scholarship can be continued at the discretion of the management.

3.Student must have secured at least 60% marks for all courses.

4.For girl students studying in our school and college, fee concession will be given as per prevailing guidelines. However, students studying in outside college for the courses not available in our college may be given scholarship amount as aforesaid however depending upon subjects, expenses and necessity. But, students studying in outside college for the course available in our college, no scholarship will be given.

5.If the student fails in any semester/year, scholarship will not be given for next semester or year.

6.The student should not get involved in any union activities in colleges/universities as it is happening nowadays even in Bangalore.

7.Attendance of the candidate should be at least 90% per semester in all the subjects failing which the scholarship will be discontinued for the next semester.

8.The father of the student must reside in B/F, D/F, JAL Quarters in Kirloskar Colony, JNI or MCH Colony.


9.Management will consider giving financial help to the extent of around Rs.3 lakhs or 25% of the total fee payable for the full course, whichever is less, if the girl student gets admission in any of IIT or IIM wherein cost/fees are very high.

10.Books, if necessary, for professional courses like MBBS, MBA & Engineering shall be given by the management up to 50% of the total cost of the books or as per discretion of the management for the full course.

11.Placement for these girls will also be considered in our Organization/Institutions after completion of their education.

12.If any student fails or gets low marks in any semester due to genuine reasons like illness etc., she can be considered for scholarship for the next semester as a special case supported with proper documentary evidence.

13.If cost per month is larger for professional courses, the management may consider increasing scholarship beyond Rs.5000/- p.m. (for professional courses) and Rs.2000/- p.m. (for hostel fees) to cover maximum 75% of all fees and hostel cost.


14.Scholarship amount shall be paid directly to college while depositing fees.

15.The above scheme will be at the discretion of the management and will depend on loyalty, hard work and dedication of employees.

5.Supply of Uniforms, Shoes etc.:

(a)Special shoes are supplied to workers engaged in foundry, die cooking and billet heating as and when the old ones are worn out.

(b)One pair of leather shoes are provided to construction & foundry supervisors and press operators once every year.

(c)One pair of sandak/Hawaii chappals is provided to canteen boys once every year.

(d)Two sets of uniforms are supplied to all workers [other than those mentioned in (e) below], gardeners and sweepers every year. First year - 2 sets, second year - 1set, third year - 2 sets and so on. However, one more set is provided to workers in maintenance, R&D, press, cooks, if any of the sets provided earlier during the year becomes unusable and are returned.

(e)Two sets of uniforms are supplied to workers in foundry, billet cutting, heat treatment and welders every year.

(f)Two sets of uniforms are provided in the first year, one set in the second year, two sets in the third year and so on to security staff, office boys , canteen boys and cooks.

(g)Each member of the supervisory staff/press operator is provided with two sets of uniforms in the year of joining, one set in the second year, two sets in the third year and so on.

(h)All drivers are provided 2 sets of uniforms during the first year, one set during the second year, two sets during the third year and so on.

(i)Old uniforms are taken back ,while giving 2 pairs new uniforms in third year.

6.Extra facilities for Security Staff etc.,:

(a)Tea/coffee/snacks is supplied to the night-duty staff at Factory Tea counter.

(b)Overcoats/raincoats (must) are supplied to all new members during winter/monsoon. Replacement of overcoats/raincoats is made to all members when the overcoat/ raincoat provided becomes unusable after 3-4 years. One woollen overcoat is also supplied once in 5 years apart from regular uniform sets. However, replacements are given only when the old set becomes unusable subject to a minimum gap of 5 years between the last supply and the replacement.

(c)Peak caps are provided once every year, woollen socks, tie and line guard are provided twice a year. Boots for rainy season are provided once in 2 years and a pair of leather shoes are provided each year. CSO should ensure that the old socks/shoes and dresses are received back and handed over to Admin. Dept. before arranging for issue of new ones to security staff.

(d)The uniforms of security staff, canteen cooks and canteen bearers , staying in campus, are washed in the laundry at company’s cost.


7. Foreign pleasure Trip :

The company will also send its staff members including senior executives on foreign pleasure trip on completion of minimum 10 years of service. This is decided by the management based on the efficiency & loyalty of the staff and based on the rating of the staff member. This facility will be at the discretion of MD/CMD.

8.(a) Hard Duty Allowance/facilities:





Workers working in foundry


Rs.300/- p.m.

1 glass of milk + 1 big/2

and hot areas of melting



small bananas to all.













Master Alloy , casting, dross











furnace operation,




die cooking if on 12 hours











On packing

conveyor +

Workers & Staff


2 big/4 small bananas +

cranes and jumbo operators











(b)Tea/Snacks to staff & workers:






All office staff


9.30 a.m. &







2.30 p.m.

(morning and





with 2 biscuits (1+1)

All office staff working late


6.00 p.m.

Tea/coffee with snacks

after 5.30 pm







All factory staff


10.00 a.m. &

Tea/coffee - two times with



2.30 p.m.

2 biscuits










All factory staff (working


6.00 p.m.




late evening)



and snacks








Night shift staff


1.0 a.m.

tea/ coffee with snacks



4.30 a.m.











Night shift workers


1.0 a.m.

tea/ coffee












4.30 a.m.












All factory workers


2.00 pm











All factory workers


5.00 pm







roti/ bread














1. Transport facility/conveyance allowance :

The company has provided bus facility for those who come from the City (for picking up and dropping back the employees at fixed points) free of charge. Non-availability of bus cannot be a ground for coming late to the office and they should come at their own cost in such an event. In case where employees have their own vehicle, conveyance allowance is paid on merit on case to case basis. Employees coming from the city, on case to case basis, conveyance allowance will be paid at the discretion of the management. Car allowance will be given only to the category of Sr. Executive and above. No conveyance allowances shall be paid for the days ,when employee is on leave except for Sundays /Holidays.

2. Personal Accident Insurance :

Group Personal Accident Insurance for Rs.5 lakhs each for SMEs, Rs.4 lakhs each for Senior Executives and Rs.3 lakhs each for Executives, Rs.2 lakhs for Assistant Executives and senior Assistants, shall be taken with the Insurance Company at company’s cost. Besides, category IV employees and workers grade are covered with Rs.2 Lakhs.

3.Telephone facility :

Mobile phones are provided to certain staff for official use. No one should misuse this facility. Any personal calls made from mobile phones should be noted by concerned staff and should indicate while passing the bill so that actual cost can be recovered from them.

4.Entertainment facilities :

(a)Piped music is played in the entire office during office hours.

(b)Grand functions are held twice in a year, i.e. Republic Day and Independence Day. Apart from various games and other ceremonies, free lunch is served to all workers/ staff and their families. Besides, Diwali and Holi are celebrated in a family like atmosphere when all staff, workers and their families are invited for the occasion.

(c)Cultural programmes are arranged in the auditorium from time-to-time by the Fine Arts Club and Jindal Mahila Samaj.

5. Executive Recreation Centre (ERC) :

(a)All SMEs, SEs, Executives, Asst. Executive and Senior Assistants can use all the facilities in ERC including swimming pool as per rules applicable. Children of the employees irrespective of age will not be allowed to use any of the facilities. Their family members and guests may also come, see and sit inside the complex and can use the facilities occasionally for chit chat, eating snacks etc. at their cost. Staff may also bring their family members and guests occasionally just to show the ERC complex. Some snacks/tea/coffee may be served in ERC on certain occasions, say 2-3 times a week. To be decided jointly by MD and ED about timings, day etc.

(b)All SMEs and SEs must use these excellent facilities regularly to stay fit and healthy. Also to encourage all others.

(c)All can use entire campus including JNI for walk, picnics, chit chat, playing etc.


(d)JAL staff can use Silver Estate for picnic etc. with family. They can take their own food/snacks etc.

6.Parks for children :

Outdoor games equipments have been provided for children in both workers and staff colonies.

7. Recommendation for Donations :

SMEs can recommend donations upto Rs.50,000/-, SEs upto Rs.25,000/-, Executives upto Rs.10,000/-, Asst. Executives and Sr. Assistants upto Rs.5,000/- per annum to ED/MD for giving to any Institution (not individuals) which is dedicated to the cause of serving humanity and poor people or for any noble cause with full facts and reasons in support, so as to ensure that the amount is properly utilised and not misused. ED/MD, after scrutiny, will forward to CMD with his remarks for final decision. They can also recommend scholarships, which cases will receive special preference and relaxation to some extent.

8. Deepawali sweets (for all employees with family only) :

(a) Staying in campus:

Category IA


‘A’ category

Category IB


‘B’ category

Category II


‘C’ category

Category IIIA & III B


‘C’ category

Category IV


1 kg laddu /simple burfi

(b) Staying out side campus:



Category IA

: ‘A’ category

Category IB

: ‘B’ category

Category II , IIIA & III B

: ½ Kg kaju burfi

NOTE: In all canteens in the campus, sweet dish and special food will be served at the dinner on

Deepawali and other festival days.

9.New year compliments (For all) :







A1 :1 Set

A :1 Set

B :1 Set

B :1 Set

C :1 Set

D :1 Set

B : 1 Set

C :2 Sets

C :1 Set




C : 2 Sets






10.House Rent Allowance (HRA):

Staff and workers who have constructed their own house (within a radius of 10 km from the factory campus) must shift to their own house from the colony. No HRA will be paid to this category of employees. Campus employees staying in family quarters and having no house of their own at Bangalore will be given HRA as decided by management provided they shift outside the colony. No HRA will be paid to staff members who are already staying in the city.

11.Facilities for bachelors:

Iron boxes, ironing stands and washing machines are kept at common space of all bachelors accommodations above staff canteen, ERC side bachelors accommodation and above corporate affairs bachelors accomodation. All bachelors staying in campus can use these facilities.




1.General :

Medical benefits in case of staff of all categories have been merged in their salary. Hence, no separate medical benefits are given for medical treatments to the staff. Since arrangements have been made to treat all the employees and their families in Manav Charitable Hospital (MCH) and Jindal Charitable Hospital (JCH), all the employees should try to avail the facilities for out-patient at the said hospitals. As far as possible, employees staying outside the campus should also avail this facility. Since these hospitals are well equipped with all departments, all should avail the facilities in the said hospitals.

2.Workers - out-patient facility:

(a)Where workers have to incur medical expenses (actually spent) outside the hospital (for out-patient treatment), reimbursement will be made upto the following limits:


Limit p.a. (No.of days salary)

ESI workers


Non ESI workers


(b)Reimbursement of medical benefits wherever applicable will be granted only after completing service for a period of 6 months in the company. However, this is not applicable to workers who have rejoined service.

In the first year of service in case any worker leaves in the middle of the year , the benefit will be restricted to the proportionate period of service in full (15 days or less to be ignored and more than 15 days to be rounded off to one month). However, during the first year, medical benefit limit will be calculated from the date of joining itself but bills will be accepted only after 6 months.

(c)The unavailed portion of medical benefits will be carried forward to next year upto 5th year. The unutilised amount at the end of 5th year will be carried forward to the extent of 50% and accumulated along with the fresh limit at the beginning of the 6th year. FY 2016-17 is treated as first year and FY 2020-21 will be the 5th year for this purpose.

NOTES - MEDICAL BENEFITS (only for workers):

(a)No attendant will be provided by the company unless there is an emergency. No expenses of any kind will be paid for the attendant.

(b)In deserving cases, giving light duty for an employee after long illness as recommended by the doctors will be considered.

(c)If the illness continues for about one year, the company may retire the employee with reasonable amount and pension under ESIC/PF scheme, if applicable.

(d)Partial/advance payment can be made by the company for treatment, at the discretion of the management.


(e)The Personnel Department will maintain computerized records for reimbursement of medical expenses of each employee. The computerized data will show the limit of the concerned employee and the limit utilised clearly to ensure that no reimbursement has been made in excess of the limits.

(f)If any employee misuses or tries to misuse any facility, he/she will be debarred from all or any of the facilities and disciplinary action will also be taken.

(g)Injections like BCG or Polio will be reimbursed. The employees to avail the facilities at MCH/JCH as far as possible.

(h)Tonic/vitamins are reimbursable only when prescribed by the doctor.

(i)Expenditure on family planning operations/post-operative expenditure will be admissible within the overall limit.

(j)Medical expenses incurred outside head quarters while on official tour and on temporary leave/vacation, shall be reimbursed as per procedure within the overall limit prescribed hereinabove.

(k)Original/genuine medical bills shall be submitted on or before the 7th day of the month following the month for which the bills relate to, failing which reimbursement will not be made. Reimbursement will be made along with salary for the month following the month in which the bills have been submitted, e.g. bills for the medical expenses incurred in May should be submitted on or before 7th June. Reimbursement of these bills will be made along with the salary payment for the month of June and will be released in the month of July. However, where medical expenses are incurred by the employee/family members outside the headquarters, medical bills must be submitted within 7 days of arrival. Notwithstanding what is stated above, the bills for the month of March have to be submitted on or before 31st March in all cases and the reimbursement for such bills will be made in the month of April along with salary for March.

(l)Confinement expenses, operations connected thereto/ward charges are not reimbursed. However, pre-natal and post-natal expenses will be reimbursed.

(m)Expenses on eye glasses will be reimbursed including on frames. No reimbursement will be allowed for beautifying teeth or charges for goggles/cooling glasses. Cost of frames should not exceed Rs.800/- and cost of eye glasses also should not exceed Rs.800/-in case of workers/drivers/watchmen.

(n)In case both husband and wife are working in our institutions, both the employees can claim the benefit subject to overall limits for both. Where an employee is working for our company or institution but the employee’s spouse is working for some other company or institution, medical bills can be submitted for the spouse working elsewhere only if the spouse is not getting medical reimbursement from where he/she is employed. In such cases, a certificate will have to be obtained from the other employer, every year and kept on record.

(o)Reimbursement of medical expenses on food items prescribed by the doctor such as Glucose, Horlicks etc. shall not be made except for D.Protein/Electrol/Glucon-D, which are normally given in case of diabetes/dehydration/fever and can be considered as medicine. Medical items (belts, MCR slippers etc.) as prescribed by specialist doctors used for medical treatment shall be allowed.


(p)Reimbursement of medical expenses shall not be made in respect of the family members of the employees unless they also reside with them in the headquarters. However, where employees stay at B/F and where their families occasionally visit B/F, medical expenses incurred at Bangalore shall be reimbursed within the overall limits.

(q)Disposable items like needles, syringes etc. will be reimbursed.

(r)Expenses on dentures (Rs.2,000/- p.a. max.) and contact lenses (Rs.1,000/- p.a. max.) will be reimbursed for each member of the family within the overall limit of the employee. Expenses on solution for contact lenses will be reimbursed at actuals .

(s)Medicinal Tooth paste/ointment/oil/other items/balms/mouth wash prescribed by a special dentist/ doctor shall be allowed. General medicines/tonics prescribed by doctors shall also be allowed. Root canal treatment expenses will be reimbursed within the overall limit of the employee. Orthodontic treatment expenses (including bracketing/bracing) recommended by Orthodontist and certified by Dentist of JCH/MCH will be allowed but mere bracketing/ bracing will not be allowed. Maximum amount allowed for this purpose will be Rs.2,000/- p.a. (for each worker including his/her family). Expenses incurred for fixing metal crown and bridge over teeth will be allowed at Rs.700/- per tooth per individual worker/family member.

(t)Creams and soaps like moisturisers, Calamine, Acne soap, Tetmosol soap etc. prescribed by skin specialist for skin diseases shall be allowed.

(u)Ayurvedic/Unani/Homeopathic medicines shall also be reimbursed if prescribed by doctor for any ailment and not as general tonics etc.

(v)Shampoos for dandruff shall not be allowed.

(w)Mediclaim Policy:

The company will take mediclaim policy for staff, including their spouse and upto two dependent children, of all categories where the age of the staff is 40 years and above. The insurance amount for mediclaim policy be borne by the company. Insurance policy will be taken as under:


Sr. Most Executives


Rs. 4.00 Lakhs


Sr. Executives


Rs. 2.50





Rs. 2.00



Assistant Executives & Sr.Asst


Rs.1.50 Lakhs


Cat-IV and workers ( Non ESI)


Rs. 1.00


Note: Employees of 30 Years and above, who has served minimum service of five years in JAL, will also be entitled for mediclaim policy benefits.

3. Workers - Inpatient facility :

(a)If workmen incur expenses on in-patient treatment, reimbursement will be made @ 15 days basic salary for the year. This is not applicable to employees covered under ESI as they will get the same benefit from ESI Corporation. All expenses incurred by workmen for inpatient treatment including accommodation, treatment, medicine, investigation, operations, consultation, will be reimbursed by the Company within the limit of 15 days salary for the year. The unavailed limit for in-patient treatment can be carried forward for 5 years. At the end of the fifth year, 50% of un-availed benefit will lapse and balance will be carried forward. Salary for the month of April will be the basis for calculation of the above benefit. The reimbursement for in-patient treatment


expenses incurred by family members will be covered by the limits specified under out- patient limits and will not be reimbursed under this. The hospital included in the panel for treatment of workmen is given below:


Max. (Rs.per day)

St.Martha’s Hospital


(General Ward)


(b)If the workman has got treated in a hospital other than from the approved panel, the reimbursement of ward charges will not be more than the limits fixed above. Reimbursement of medical expenses will not cover cosmetic surgery except in case of accidents and will cover the diseases which cannot be treated in MCH. All other expenses will be reimbursed at actuals. The Company may also consider granting of additional leave as per the Table given below solely at its discretion if the sickness lasts for more than 5 days after adjusting all the leave (CL/SL/EL) to his/her credit.

Upto 1 month


full pay

After 1 month & upto 3 months


half pay

Beyond 3 months & upto 6 months


1/3 rd pay

Beyond 6 months


at the sole discretion of the




(The above facility is not applicable to accident/confinement cases which are dealt separately).

4.Employees covered under ESI:

(i)Since MCH is recognised as an ESI hospital, no special reimbursement will be made for those who are covered under ESI. Under this scheme, the following benefits are extended by the ESIC (changed from time to time as per ESI Scheme).

(a)All workmen and staff whose wages/salary is not more than Rs.21,000/- per month are covered by this scheme.

(b)Treatment and medical facilities to the employees and their family (which includes dependent parents).

(c)Sickness cash benefit at a scheduled rate for the period of sickness with waiting period of 2 days.

(d)Maternity benefit of leave upto 182 days with wages and medical treatment to women employees who are covered under ESI and having children not more than two.

(e)Accident benefit including medical treatment and disablement benefits.

(f)In the case of death of an employee while in service, funeral expenses upto a maximum of Rs.10,000/- will be paid by the ESIC.

(g)In case of employees sustaining an injury while on duty and the injury causes death, the dependants in the family will be entitled to certain benefits similar to pension.

(h)In case any employee sustains injury and due to the said injury he is unable to work in the same employment, but rehabilitation for his employment is possible, the Corporation extends rehabilitation allowance.


(ii)A contribution of 1.75% of the gross wages earned by the employee will be recovered from the wages/salaries and paid over to the ESIC. A contribution at the rate of 4.75% of the gross wages of the covered employees will be paid by the company as its contribution.

(iii)From the date of receipt of temporary identification card, the covered employees can get medical treatment from MCH or any ESI hospital elsewhere. Since MCH is recognised as ESI hospital, if an employee falls sick, he should report to MCH and take treatment. If the sickness necessitates absence, he should obtain a certificate from MCH and submit to ESI payment. The copy of the same should be given to the company also.

(iv)With regard to item (d) above, i.e. maternity cases, the employees can avail the facilities in other hospitals as the same is not available in MCH.

5. General check-up (for all) :

(a)(i) For staff above the age of 40 years and having served in the company for 3 years or 5 years in the Institutions :






once in 6 months complete medical checkup



once in 6 months complete medical check up



once in 3 years complete medical check up


Workers in foundry, laboratory,

once in a year


billet cutting, log heating



furnace ,press operator,



Die-cooking and dross area



Drivers and die makers and

once in two years


welders for eye testing etc.


(iv) Canteen employees for

once in a year


infectious diseases


(b)The tests carried out will be urine test, blood test and chest X-ray. Blood test will be carried out in respect of urea, haemoglobin, cholesterol, sugar, blood group, RH factor, VDRL etc. All these tests will be conducted in MCH only. MCH will send full bills to JAL at full rates.

(c)In respect of SMEs and SEs, apart from the above tests, ECG and lipid profile of blood will also be done and if any other tests are required, the same will also be carried out as per doctor’s advice.

(d)Employees working in foundry, billet heating furnace, press operator, die cooking and dross area

will also be medically checked once a year. Urine, routine blood tests (HB%, RBS, blood group), Hematology profile with AEC, pulmonary function test, eye examination and chest X-ray will be carried. For workers aged more than 40 years lipid profile and serum creatinine shall also be carried with other tests mentioned above.


(e)Drivers, die makers and welders will be examined once in a year (for eye testing) in addition to above tests.

(f)Medical Reports of all the above will be got tabulated by VP(A) through Admin.Manager and then put up the same to ED and MD. Payment for check up will not be made to employees but to MCH directly.

(g)Employees shall be treated as on duty during the time of general check up in MCH or outside (4/5 hrs), and for special/extra check-ups (if required over and above this) he/she shall use earned leave to his/her credit.

(h) Personnel Department shall keep a record of all canteen employees for being medically examined/checked up and shall preserve the proof of payment made to MCH in this regard for verification by Labour Inspector. Personnel Department shall also keep a record of medical check-up done by MCH.

(i)All SMEs must get thorough medical check up done in all respects once in 6 months if above 50 years and in case of any disorder/ailment is detected, complete treatment by best medical professional/hospital be undergone fully at company’s cost.

(j)General check up of specified employees of JAL shall be carried out for such tests and at such intervals as informed in writing by Personnel Manager, JAL on such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed on.

6.Accidents on duty (for all staff and workers) (Annexure-A):

In case of accidents on duty, MCH facility should be availed first. Full cost of treatment will be considered for reimbursement in genuine cases recommended by MCH for outside treatment, on case to case basis with additional leave, if required. However, since most of the staff and workers are covered under Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy taken by company, they should avail this facility.

7.Free treatment in JNI (for staff):

(i)The Company is providing free treatment facility at JNI during winter for the staff and workers who are suffering from cold, cough, asthma and who are allergic to these diseases. They can also take steam bath/sauna bath in JNI (both free). Chief Administrator /DCA/AO/PRO of JNI will make arrangements and will see that they get these treatments smoothly according to the weekly schedule. Persons who are having hypertension, heart problem, exhaustion are advised not to take the above treatments on medical grounds. This treatment facility is provided under doctor’s guidance only as under:



OPD free and no limit, while IPD free upto 10 days



in Cottage (half-yearly)



OPD free upto 10 days a month and IPD free upto 7 days



in ER (yearly)



OPD free upto 7 days a month and IPD free upto 7 days



in SR (yearly)

Asst.Executives and :

OPD free upto 7 days in 2 months and IPD free upto



7 days in Double Room (yearly)


NOTE: 1. There is no limit for Directors no charges for OPD as well as IPD for 10 days in a year. Beyond the above limit, charges will be @ 50% of the normal tariff except for Directors. All will be marked leave for IPD period, as usual except SME who will be under complete rest and leave for 4-5 days, then come to office for 2-3 hours daily as per their convenience and marked present. Family members of employees of category IA, IB, II, IIIA and IIIB will be charged at 50% of the normal rates. Before going for admission, they will arrange their office work suitably.

2.All SMEs can take any treatment in JNI as per convenience but it is compulsory for Directors to spend at least 2 hours once in a week for massage and other treatments. They should in fact, undergo treatment more frequently.

3.Families of SMEs, SEs and Executives can take free treatment (excluding all massages) in JNI as OPD patients provided they are sick. Moreover, they may be specifically given all treatments as out-patients for all allergies, asthma, cold etc. free.

(ii)Apart from the above, the concessions given to employees, family members and blood relations are as follows:

(a)For all treatments at JNI (except salt glow/hot stone treatment, Deep tissues, kairali treatment) and Ayurveda therapy, all physiotherapy, acupuncture treatments, all laboratory, investigations - 50% concession will be given to employees, spouse and dependent children including parents.

(b)25% concession for blood relations and other very close relatives like parents-in- law.

(Blood relation means brother, sister, father’s brother and father’s brother’s wife)

All must be checked by a Naturopath (free) before admission. All employees will be given priority for admission over outside patients.

8.Special facility for Executives and above (in case of major surgery)

If any of the Executives and above, having served the company for a minimum period of 5 years and still continuing, undergoes heart surgery including by-pass surgery, necessitating stay in the hospital for more than 5 days will be provided car facility by the company (one car at a time only) without adjusting the mileage from his normal entitlement and no charges will be collected upto 12 days (total 1000 km) from the date of admission in the hospital for movement of the family members. Those who go for check up, angiogram, angioplasty and other minor procedures, will utilise this facility out of their normal entitlement.

9.Recommendation for admission in JNI

Staff members can recommend admission in JNI for their friends, relatives etc. as per limits given below but will be charged full rate except concession for relatives mentioned separately:



12 cases p.a.

Sr. Executives


8 cases p.a.



6 cases p.a.

Asst. Executives and Sr. Assistants


4 cases p.a. each


NOTE: Admission or extension may be given even with short notice of 3 days, if accommodation is available. Priority will be given. Reservation Dept. in JNI will keep proper records in this respect.

10.Out-patient treatment for JAL employees (all) in JCH, Rajajinagar:

In case of employees staying in the city, as far as possible, they should avail the facilities at Jindal Charitable Hospital, Rajajinagar which is fully equipped to treat all the diseases. Consultation is free for all patients. Charges as applicable for all patients shall be collected. However workers and category IV staff will be eligible for 25% concessions on normal rates. Medicines available in the pharmacy are issued free of cost to all patients. A registration fee of Rs.20 /- per patient is collected.

11.Inpatient treatment for JAL employees (all) at MCH

(a)Free medical services (inpatient/deluxe room/special wards, general ward and general ward - curtain portion) in all medical areas as per guidelines, but within the rules & regulations of the hospital shall be provided to the employees of JAL and their family members.

(b)Accommodation for inpatient treatment shall be made available as follows:


Deluxe Room


SMEs & SEs

(ii) Special Wards I & II


Executives, Asst. Executives and




Senior Assistants


General Ward


Cat. IV employees

(c)Family for this purpose shall mean spouse, dependent lineal ascendants and descendants of such employees as specified by JAL. Children of employees (Sr. Assistants /Asst. Executives/Executives/SEs/SMEs) who are not dependent on the employee and who come on a visit to JAL campus may be given in-patient treatment at MCH on chargeable basis as under :

Deluxe Room


Rs.500/ - per day

Special Wards


Rs.250/- per day

Medicines and diagnostic charges will be extra.

(d)The facility shall be available to such persons as are specified in the list of employees/family members (showing age, name, sex, designation etc.) as made available to CA of JNI & MCH duly certified by the Personnel Manager, JAL. Any additions/deletions to the list shall also be made as and when required by JAL Personnel Manager which shall be effective from such date as specified.

(e)Medicines/consumables not available in the hospital are not covered.

12.Out-patient treatment for JAL employees (all) at MCH

Category IV employees and workers (including their spouse and children) are given concession of 25% on rates applicable to JNI free ward patients and MCH general patients (category C). A registration fee of Rs. 20/- per patient is collected from all category employees. Consultation is free for all patients. Medicines available in the pharmacy are issued free of cost to all patients.




1.Travelling on Duty:

(a) Daily travelling allowance payable to various categories of employees is as follows:



Mode of travel (to be

Limits for accommoda-

Daily allowance (no



(claimed with

tion (to be claimed with

supporting is required



supporting vouchers)

supporting only except

for food expenses).







IA & B

Air (economy class)/II

At actuals

At actuals with



class AC by train


supporting vouchers,



wherever they travel


if possible.



(as per convenience).





All should plan tours in





advance and book





tickets well in advance





to avail concessional





fare as far as possible)





3-tier AC/AC chair car

Rs.2,500/- for ‘A’ class

Rs. 650/- for ‘A’ class








train or Volvo bus, 2-

Rs.2,000/- for other

Rs. 540/- for other



tier AC in trains having





no 3-tier AC





II class by train or

Rs.1,500/- for ‘A’ class

Rs. 540/- for ‘A’ class



deluxe bus





(not Volvo)

Rs.1,250/- for other

Rs. 420/- for other








II class by train or

Rs.800/- for ‘A’ class

Rs. 360/- for ‘A’ class



ordinary bus






Rs.600/- for other

Rs. 300/- for other








Taxes will be allowed extra as per bills


‘A’ class cities

Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Amritsar, Bangalore, Baroda, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cochin, Coimbatore, Delhi, Gauhati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jalandhar, Kanpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Mumbai, Nagpur, Panaji, Pondicherry, Pune, Shimla, Surat, Trivandrum, Vijayawada, Vizag, and any other State Capital or Capital of any Union Territory.

Any sub-urban area situated within 30 km of above cities will be eligible for ‘A’ class city allowance.

(b)Daily allowance on the day of departure:



Daily allowance


(i) After 18.00 hours

- Rs.150/- for executives and above

(leaving time of plane, train,


for tea/snacks etc., Rs.100/- for staff

bus). Travelers by air


other than executives and above and

will get nominal amount


Rs.50/- for mechanics and drivers.

if actually spent)


(ii) Between 11.00 hours

- 50% daily allowance mentioned

and 18.00 hrs.

in (a) above.

(iii) Before 11.00 hours

- Full daily allowance mentioned


in (a) above.


(c)Daily allowance on the day of arrival:



Arrival time


Daily allowance


: (i)

Before 12.00 hours


As mention in (b)(i) above



At or after 12.00 hours


50% of daily allowance mentioned





in (a) above.


(iii) At or after 21.30 hours


Full daily allowance mentioned





in (a) above.

(d)Whenever drivers are required to go on tour involving overnight driving at or after 24.00 hours (midnight), they will be paid daily allowance of Rs.125/- for food, beverages etc.


(a)The employees on tour at HO/Branch Offices must use the company’s guest house and canteen, except in case of exigency, when they may stay outside.

(b)SMEs and SEs while on official travel can claim a fixed sum of Rs.100/- per day to meet sundry expenses like shoe polish, newspaper/magazines etc. in addition to actual food expenses, without any condition/proof.

(c)For going on official tour, SMEs and SEs will be allowed to stay in 3-star hotels, except Directors, who will stay in 5-star hotels

(d)Wherever the employees are required to move from one place to the other on the same day, thus occupying lodging at two places for the same day, lodging charges in such cases should be examined by the Departmental Head and on his recommendation could be approved by VP(A)/ED.

(e)Whenever anybody spends full day/night in travelling in train/bus/jeep/car etc. and does not stay in hotel, for such period, only food allowance will be paid and not hotel room rent. e.g. a person going to Kolkata or other far off places spends 2/3 days in train/bus; in such cases he will get only food allowance as mentioned above for these days, during which period he would not have checked into any hotel. Similarly, if a person leaves Headquarters in the morning or evening and reaches the destination only on the next day spending full day and night in journey and not staying in hotel, for that day also only food allowance will be paid full or half depending on the time of departure from the headquarters.

(f)Sometimes, an employee starts journey from a ‘B’ class city and reaches ‘A’ class city the next day or vice versa. In such cases, the allowance will be paid depending upon the City where he stays.

(g)Full details of conveyance expenses should be furnished as to the place travelled from

........... to ..... by ......... (mode of travel) and the expenses on each trip should be shown separately. In the absence of this, the claim will be disallowed.

(h)While on outstation duty, taxi fare will be allowed only in such places where no other mode of transport is available. However, this will not be applicable to SMEs and SEs.

(i)The allowance is paid towards boarding and lodging expenses. All are expected to stay in good hotels to keep up the reputation and image of the company. No one should try to save money on this account by staying in low class hotels and eating cheap food. If they spend less amount, they must claim the same amount from the company and not full.


(j)Claim for train/bus fare should be supported by tickets issued by railways/bus authorities. If the railway tickets are surrendered at the destination, the ticket No. should be indicated. Journey should be undertaken by night train/bus. When journey is by bus, it should be preferably by Government bus.

(k)In case of non-availability of ordinary buses for night travel, Cat.III and IV can travel by luxury/semi-luxury bus, as per the availability.

(l)All tour bills should be submitted on the next day of arrival. If delayed beyond 2 days without sufficient reasons, the bill will be disallowed.

(m)Staff members while submitting their travel bills should indicate about the availment of leave, if any, during their tour against respective dates. This should be indicated on top of the TA bill so that it does not escape the notice of the Personnel Dept.

(n)Employees proceeding on tour should have the check-in and check-out time noted by the hotel staff on the hotel bills for calculation of DA whenever reimbursement is claimed on actual basis. In the absence of such information, travel bill will not be passed. As far as possible employees should try to stay in hotels with 24 hours check in and check out.

(o)To maintain proper/correct record of attendance, the staff members going on official tour should make their tour application in prescribed form and get it signed by the departmental head and submitted to Personnel Dept. before going. It should be specifically mentioned in the form date of leaving and probable arrival date. In case of non-compliance, their TA bills will be subject to suspicion and action shall be taken accordingly.

(p)In case staff is visiting customers during the day and then leaving by night train or bus, they should check out of the hotel on same day morning.

(q)In case any staff/worker stays with his relatives and takes his meals also with them, he should claim only actual expenses and not as per above limits.

2.Leave Travel Allowance (LTA):

LTA facility to various categories of staff &workers is available as under for going to native place beyond 300-km of their work place:


Facility (to and fro)


Where SME goes with the family to native place, entire family will


be entitled to travel by air both sides in economy class. As far as


possible, tickets should be purchased in advance on concessional




150% of AC II class train fare for self and family will be paid to


enable them to travel by air, provided they can manage the air

IB (Sr.Executives)

tickets at concessional rate or pay the excess amount beyond


150% of the AC II class train fare themselves.


In case of Sr citizen staff and family,travelling by Air,150% of AC II


class full train fare will be paid without deducting Sr citizen




In case of their kids are below 5 years and travelling by train, they


will not be reimbursed anything, since the children below 5 years


are free in their train travel.




Rajdhani 3-tier AC/AC II class train fare for self and family.

II (Executives)

3-tier AC train fare for self and family


(a) 3-tier AC train fare for self and family during summer, i.e.


April to August.




(b) II class ordinary sleeper (non AC) fare for self and family


during winter, i.e. September to March.


II class ordinary sleeper train fare for self and family

Family means, self, spouse and dependent/unmarried children.


(a)This facility can be availed either for travel together or individually but this expenditure should be incurred during the financial year and will be restricted to actual expenditure. However, in case return journey is undertaken after the end of current financial year but within one month of the next financial year, i.e. on or before 30th April, they will still be eligible for reimbursement as if it was incurred during the current financial year itself. In case where the first journey has already been performed but second journey commences after 10th March and is completed in the next financial year, the second journey will be taken as performed in the subsequent financial year.

(b)All staff members whose children are studying in the school should obtain concessional certificate from the school/college and avail railway concession fare Similarly, all Ex- servicemen working in the company should avail the concessional facility provided to them. All should try to get concession. If not possible, to reimburse at full rate.

(c)Employees are expected to report back for duty on the due date. However, in circumstances beyond their control due to strike, natural calamities, death of close relative etc., if one is held back, after verifying the genuineness in each case, the LTA can be paid. For a delay upto 10 days approval of Welfare Committee should be obtained. Delay beyond 10 days under any circumstances cannot be condoned and LTA will not be paid unless approved by ED/MD on recommendation by Welfare Committee in rare cases.

(d)The LTA is available to the workers either to go to his native place or to visit any of his relatives. In case the facility is availed to visit any relative, the amount of reimbursement will be limited to the fare he would have got had he gone to his native place. For those who do not avail this facility either to go to native place or to visit any relatives, the same cannot be en-cashed.

(e)Bill for reimbursement of LTA should be submitted to the Personnel Department immediately, along with sufficient proof, i.e. railway/bus tickets after return from leave so that the same can be checked by Personnel and Accounts Departments for effecting payment at the end of the financial year. However, in case of employees who are allowed to travel by AC class/air, reimbursement will be made to them immediately after availment . In case of railway e-tickets, IRCTC service charges incurred by the employee availing LTA shall also be reimbursed, subject to submission of proof. Similarly for air tickets, service charges incurred by the employee for the booking the ticket shall also be reimbursed , subject to submission of proof.

(f)If the booking is done in advance, a photocopy of the ticket is to be produced. In unavoidable cases at least the ticket numbers and date must be mentioned, which will be verified at random for the genuineness.

(g)In respect of bus travel, the bus ticket should be enclosed. If the booking is done in advance, a photocopy of the ticket is to be produced. In unavoidable cases, the distance to the place travelled would be indicated. Accounts should verify the fare with reference to the bills of other employees. In case of bus travel, actual bus fare shall be reimbursed on production of the tickets. In case ticket/bill is not submitted by the employees for the part journey travelled by mini bus/taxi, minimum bus/ train fare for that part of the journey shall also be reimbursed, as per eligibility of the employee.


(h)In case both husband and wife are working in our Institutions, LTA benefit will be granted to either of them working in our Institutions and not to both. In case the spouse is working in some other company/institution, a certificate to the effect that the spouse is not getting LTA benefit in that year should be obtained before sanctioning LTA.

(i)This facility is available in the first year of service and can be availed after completing 240 days of actual working in the year. Though this facility may be availed in second or subsequent years as per convenience of the employee, the condition of 240 days working should be fulfilled by the employee to be eligible for this benefit, failing which LTA if already granted to the employee, will be recovered from his salary. In case of D.O. & M.O., this will be availed after completing 230 days of actual service. Welfare Committee can consider genuine cases of employees who have not completed 240 days of service on case to case basis subject to a maximum grace period of 20 days.

(j)In case any staff/worker staying in the campus has to go to native place or anywhere in India (beyond 500 km) for engagement or marriage of their daughters, they will be reimbursed travel expenses (to and fro) actually spent for maximum of two trips for engagement (for husband, wife and daughter) and one trip for marriage (for three members) for each daughter, as under :



Fare (to and from)

SMEs & Sr. Executives


75% of II AC train fare or 50% of air fare



provided concessional tickets are purchased



75% of II AC train fare



50% of II class train fare

If Executives/others travel by air, they will get only the aforesaid train fare and the rest will be borne by them.

In addition. the employees will be given special leave with pay upto total 7 days (for engagement/marriage) for each daughter.

(k)Where a person travels by higher mode of transport other than that to which he is eligible, amount reimbursed will be restricted to the amount he is eligible for. Whenever concession is applicable, concessional fare alone will be reimbursed.

(l)All category of employees must actually travel and then only give bill for reimbursement accordingly and not without travelling.

(m)Where a person travels by Rajdhani Express/Shatabdi Express, amount reimbursed will be restricted to the charges prevailing for normal Express trains except where travel by Rajdhani Express is allowed as above. Wherever 3-tier AC is not available, 2-tier AC facility can be availed.

(n)(i) In case of first trip where SME goes with family to native place, entire family will be entitled to travel by air both sides. As far as possible, tickets should be procured in advance on concessional rates.

(ii)If SME goes alone, he will be entitled to air fare (to and fro) upto 3 times a year for short personal trips debiting travelling account. However, for second trip with family, if very necessary, only the SME alone can travel by air or train (to and fro) at company’s cost, while family’s fare will be borne by the SME concerned. In case any SME has not availed this facility throughout the year, he is entitled to two trips by air/train in the subsequent year. No encashment in lieu of this facility will be permitted. It is to be noted that more than two trips in a year either for emergency visit or daughter’s engagement/marriage visit or native place visit will not be allowed at company’s cost.

Beyond two trips, it will be at his cost.


(o)Wherever travel is made by train (AC II class), tickets for both up and down travel should be produced to the Personnel Department. However, only onward and return journey tickets can be produced in case of travel made by II class train. In case ticket cannot be produced by the employee on account of the same having been surrendered to railways or where they have been misplaced/lost, a declaration must be obtained to that effect from the concerned employee by Personnel Department and travel bill can be passed in such cases with the approval of ED. In case declaration is found wrong on verification subsequently, the entire amount paid + 25% penalty will be recovered from the employee concerned.


Native place for this purpose means place of residence of parents or place of birth of employee if parents are not alive or place of in-laws.

3.Facility to travel in case of emergencies :

In case of demise of any family members (spouse, mother, father, own child), the company shall provide for self and spouse (where applicable) to reach the destination (one side only):

(a)II AC/3T AC train fare (full) or 50% of air fare (if travelled by air) in case of SMEs, Sr. Executives & Executives; and

(b)II class sleeper train fare (full) for other employees. No airfare.

The distance to be travelled in all the above cases should be beyond 300 km and the journey must be performed within 10 days from the date of death.





For JAL BF , DF and others branches except Mumbai office and Delhi office. Even though as per law, company is required to give 15 days of EL and 6 days of CL & SL, the management is pleased to allow 32 days leave in a year as per details given below:

An employee shall be eligible to the following leave:

Earned leave (EL)


15 days per year (not encashable)

Casual leave



8 days per year


Sick leave



8 days per year (not applicable to employees





covered under ESI scheme)




31 days per year


Restricted holiday


1 day per year







Grand total



32 days per year







In addition to this, staff and workers travelling by train while visiting their native will be given 4 days extra leave if their native place is minimum 1000 KM away from the place of working, provided they travel by train.. However, this will be restricted to actual time spent in the journey [ Refer point No. 6(p) ]. This will not be applicable to staff & workers travelling by Air.

Employee shall be eligible for SL/CL after 3 months from the date of joining.

In case of Mumbai office and Delhi office

An employee shall be eligible to the following leave:

Earned leave


15 days per year (not encashable)

Casual leave


7 days per year


Sick leave


7 days per year (not applicable to employees




covered under ESI scheme)



29 days per year


Restricted holiday


1 day per year






Grand total

: 30 days per year






2.Earned Leave:

(a)EL will be credited to the employees on the 31st December every year at B/F at the rate of one day for every 18 days of service. In case of D.O. & M.O., the credit will be at the rate of one day for 17 days of service, since third Saturday of every month is Holiday at D.O. and Second Saturday of every month is holiday at M.O. However for new

employees EL will be credited after six months from date of joining and thereafter on the 31st December every year.

(b)Employees can accumulate EL up to 90 days, beyond which no reimbursement will be made to the employee. Such accumulated leave over and above 90 days will lapse.

(c)In case an employee having sufficient leave to his/her credit goes on EL, the intervening Sundays and holidays will not be treated as leave.


(d)EL can be availed for half a day also and for any number of times and days within credit available in the account of an employee in a year.

(e)EL can be clubbed with CL/SL if the total leave taken at a time is within 3 days (i.e. short leave) provided employee does not have sufficient EL to his/her credit.

3.Casual Leave and Sick Leave:

(a)CL and SL will be credited in full at the beginning of each financial year, and can be availed by the employees for half a day also and for any number of times and upto 3 days within the credit available in the account of the employee in a year.

(b)The unavailed CL and SL as on 31st March every year will be encashed and paid to the employee on gross salary and will not be carried forward

(c)The intervening Sundays and holidays during the period of CL/SL will not be debited to leave.

(d)CL cannot be taken for more than 3 days at a time.

(e ) Newly joined employees shall be eligible for CL /SL after three months from the date of joining.

4.Maternity Leave ( ML):

Ladies working anywhere in the Company are allowed ML as per rules, except those who are covered under ESI Scheme, who will get similar benefits under the said Scheme.

5.Special Leave:

(a)In case of demise of any close family member (spouse, own child, mother, father, own brother) the employees are eligible for special leave with pay in the following manner:

Those travelling beyond 300 km – 7 days.

Those travelling within 300 km and local residents - 3 days.

(b)When any employee staying in the campus has to go to his native place or anywhere in India for engagement and marriage of his/her daughter, he/she will be given special leave upto total 7 days. He/she will also be eligible for train fare as per the details given in Travel Benefits.

(c)Where an employee staying in the campus or in Bangalore city performs the marriage of his/her daughter at Bangalore, special leave of 5 days as specified in clause 5(b) above will be available to him/her provided he/she has not availed special leave for the purpose of engagement. No special leave will be available for engagement held at Bangalore.


(a)EL account of the concerned employee will be debited first and only after exhausting EL, CL/SL will be debited by the Personnel Department.

(b)When an employee leaves the service of the Company, his/her entitlement of EL, CL and SL will be encashed and paid to him/her on gross salary. In case the CL/SL availed is in excess of his/her entitlement, the same will be recovered on gross salary. If an employee leaves the services of the company, encashment will be done for actual earned leave (accumulated upto the end of the previous year) + EL of the year in which he/she leaves service.


(c)Whenever an employee is admitted as in-patient in a hospital whatever EL is available to his credit will be adjusted. SL and CL will be adjusted after exhausting EL to his credit.

(d)RH cannot be split into two half days.

(e)RH can be taken only for the festival connected with the religion of the respective employee and should not be misused for other purposes. An employee cannot avail RH unless he/she has served the company continuously for a minimum period of 6 months.

(f)RH cannot be combined with any other leave including LWP.

(g)If any Steno or Asst. Executive/Sr. Assistant staying in City is required to attend duty on urgent work on a Sunday or holiday, they will be eligible for compensatory leave as per their choice, which should be availed within one month from the date of work and should not be combined with any other leave. A sum of Rs.200/- will also be paid towards conveyance expenses. In such cases, it is the duty of the Departmental Head to ensure that the Steno or Asst. Executive/Sr. Assistant is engaged for the full day.

(h)The employees will avail their leave, after adjusting with their co-employees and get the leave sanctioned in advance. Granting of leave will be at the discretion of the Management.

(i)In case of ‘bundh’ or transport strike, employees at D.O. and other branch offices will be paid full day’s salary and in case of B/F that day will be treated as holiday and another Sunday/holiday will be declared as working day.

(j)In case an employee goes on loss of pay leave, the intervening Sundays will also be treated as on loss of pay, e.g. when an employee goes on loss of pay leave on Saturday afternoon and joins duty on Monday afternoon, the intervening Sunday will be treated as loss of pay.

(k)Staff members can avail short leave to the extent of maximum 3 times and not exceeding total 5 hours in a month. However, this short leave should not be availed for more than 2 hours at a time. Short leave can be availed either for going early or coming late. This facility can also be availed anytime between office timing but it can not be clubbed with any kind of leave on the same day / lunch break by any person. This facility is allowed only for any emergency and should not be availed for any routine work. This will be allowed at the sole discretion of the departmental head. Further, this short leave will not be carried forward to the subsequent month. Moreover, it should not be made a habit or treated as an entitlement but as a consideration only by the management for any emergency or urgency or helplessness. Anyone found misusing this facility will be marked half a day absent and can be debarred from availing this facility in future. Personnel Department will maintain a proper record of the short leave availed by the staff. Concerned staff shall submit the written approval of departmental head to Personnel Department.

However in case of staff of D/F,out of 5 hrs , maximum upto 3hrs may be availed at a time as short leave and remaining 2hrs can be used by staff as per his/her requirement .

(l)An employee will be treated as on half-day leave if he/she has not attended duty between 9.00 am and 1.00 pm or 1.30 pm and 5.30 pm except SMEs who may attend just 4-5 hours any time occasionally as the case may be excluding the days on which grace time is allowed.


However, an employee working in the factory with working hours from 8.00 am to 4.45 pm (lunch break from 12.00 noon to 12.45 pm) will be considered to be on half day leave if he/she has not attended the duty between 8.00 am and 12.00 noon or 12.45 pm and 4.45 pm as the case may be excluding the days on which grace time is allowed.

Further, in those cases where separate working hours have been fixed (in case to case/shift basis), a person will be considered to be on half day leave if he/she does not attend 4 hours of duty in each session (morning/afternoon) continuously, excluding the days on which grace time is allowed.

Free lunch facility will be available to employees coming from city (including female staff) on days when half day leave facility is availed. However, such employees have to comply with the rules mentioned hereinabove.

(m)The leave application should be submitted well in advance. The employees should not absent themselves without intimating/submitting leave application at a later date, in which case they will be marked absent. Only during emergency, when they cannot submit leave application in advance, they should submit the same within a day after resuming duty failing which they will be marked absent.

(n)All heads of department must strictly ensure that the leave intimation of their staff/ workers is sent to the Personnel Dept. well in advance, at least one week before the commencement of leave in case of EL (more than 5 days).

(o)An employee on tour cannot avail leave except in case of illness/emergency in which case permission of MD/ED should be obtained. Also, he should forward his leave letter to Personnel Dept. immediately on arrival, failing which he will be marked absent for the period of absence.

(p)All the employees of the company whose native place is1000 km and above shall be allowed additional leave facility of maximum upto 4 days in a year, i.e. 2 days for coming and 2 days for going, but will be limited to actual days spent during journey and will be further limited to one journey in a year. This is to compensate the time taken during train journey for visiting native place during annual holidays. In case of visit to any relative’s place, the additional leave facility will not be permitted. However, in case anyone undertakes journey by air, in that case also additional leave facility will not be permitted. Further, if this leave is not availed during any year, it cannot be

encashed but will lapse. However this facility shall not be available to the employees who remain absent unauthorised for five days or more beyond their sanctioned leave, irrespective of the reasons for their unauthorised absence.





If an employee requires interest free advance, the same shall be referred to the KS/DS in respect of B/F and Anil Monga/ AG in respect of D/F. They will go into all aspects of the request to be sure about the genuineness of the need, availability of employee’s own savings and accordingly decide the case on merits. They may recommend advances/loans upto Rs.50,000/- for staff and Rs.25,000/- for workers in genuine cases of necessity such as illness in family, delivery etc . For interest free advances/loans for marriage of employees daughter or sister and self marriage of the employee, the limit will be Rs.1,00,000/- for staff and Rs.50,000/- for workers. Any amount given beyond this limit for marriage purpose will be charged interest @ 9% P.A. For other than marriage purpose ,interest free limit of loan will be Rs. 50,000/- for staff and Rs. 25,000/- for workers. Advances will be finally approved by ED. Interest free advance will be sanctioned by ED in respect of B/F & DF and by President in respect of D.O., concerning their respective Divisions on the recommendation of the Departmental Heads. Such advances should be given only in genuine cases of necessity such as illness in the family, marriage of employees daughter or sister, self marriage of the employee, delivery etc. Since the company is making payment of salary well in time, the employees are expected to avoid this unnecessary transaction in mutual interest. They should make use of their own savings/deposits/investments. As far as possible, advances will be made from PF Trust subject to the limits and conditions specified therein.

It must be ensured that the advances/loans will be sanctioned only under genuine circumstances. Whenever the loans/advances are found to have been misused, double the rate of interest should be charged from the concerned employee and in future no advance be given to such bluffers.

If advance is already outstanding against any employee, further advance should not be sanctioned to him/her.

2.Vehicle Loan:

(a)Loan for purchase of vehicles will be granted by the company, to SMEs, SEs and Executives drawing a salary of Rs.1,00,000/- or more p.m. However, this facility will also be granted to all other employees for purchase of two wheelers only, provided they have completed minimum 5 years of service. 75% of the value of the car or two- wheeler, as the case may be, subject to ceiling indicated below will be paid as loan, which will be rounded off to the nearest Rs.1000/-. If any amount of the advance given under (1) above is pending, no loan will be given unless fully repaid. Interest will be charged @9% p.a.




Monthly installment of





SMEs & Senior

Rs.3,00,000/- or


Rs.15,000/- for Car


50% cost of vehicle




(whichever is lower)








Rs.2,00,000/- or

Rs.35,000/- or

Rs.10,000/- for Car


50% cost of vehicle

50% cost of vehicle

Rs 3,000/- for 2 - Wheeler


(whichever is lower)

(whichever is lower)




Rs.25,000/- or




50% cost of vehicle



(whichever is lower)

(b)SMEs/SEs/Executives should have completed 5 years of service for availing car loan facility.

(c)The employee should not own more than one vehicle of similar category, i.e. 4-wheeler or 2-wheeler as the case may be, either in his name or in the name of his/her spouse. In case employee already owns a 4-wheeler or 2-wheeler, the same must be sold within one month from the date of purchase of new vehicle.

(d)The loan will be sanctioned prior to taking delivery of the vehicle and not as advance and the loan amount will be paid directly to the dealer who is selling the vehicle and receipt obtained.

(e)The employee will give a promissory note in favour of the company to the extent of loan granted.

(f)The vehicle will be hypothecated in favour of the company till the loan is fully repaid.

(g)Before repayment of loan, the employee should not dispose of or agree to dispose of the vehicle for 5 years without obtaining written sanction of the company.

(h)If the employee receives any annual bonus/award, service/special awards or leave salary, the same will also be appropriated towards loan amount till the loan is fully repaid.

(i)When an employee leaves the company, the entire outstanding loan amount should be paid before resignation and PF/gratuity will be appropriated towards the loan amount.

(j)The loan will be sanctioned by the Welfare Committee for purchase of the vehicle (two wheelers as well as car) at their discretion and cannot be claimed as a matter of right.

(k)The employee will have to take a comprehensive insurance policy on the vehicle at his own cost, till the loan is fully repaid.

(l)In case the employee obtains the loan fraudulently, he will be subject to strict disciplinary action in addition to recovering interest from the date of sanction of loan at the rate of 18% p.a. besides any penal action, if considered by the company.

(m)The employee should not take any other loan for the same purpose.

3.Facility for self-driven cars:

(a)Employees owning cars will not be allowed to use company’s vehicle but when used in emergency, it will be charged as per the prescribed rates.

(b)Conveyance allowance to employees owning cars will be paid at the discretion of the Management.

(c) Car parking will not be permitted inside the campus as there is no space available.


4.Housing Loan:

Loan for purchase of site or construction/purchase of house will be sanctioned by the company on the following terms and conditions:

A.The Company will give liberal financial help/loan for building own house after completing minimum 15 years of continuous service with the company. Loan will be granted to all employees upto 150% of their annual salary at interest rate of SBI/Canara Bank. At the time of taking loan, the employee age must be below 58 years; otherwise employees will not be eligible for this. This facility will not be available if the employee or his spouse owns a house/site already. The loan amount should be repaid by the employee within 7 years. If the employee leaves before the repayment of loan then the entire amount will be recovered at once. The financial help/loan will depend upon the category/ status of the employees as well as their performance at work and will be at discretion of MD/CMD.

The loan will be granted only once during the service of the employee for purchase of site as well as construction or for purchase of built house. In case there is time lag between purchase of site and construction of house, the loan will be sanctioned in part, i.e. 50% at the time of purchase of site and 50% at the time of construction.

B.The loan will be sanctioned by the Welfare Committee at its discretion and cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The monthly installment of repayment will be fixed by the Welfare Committee on case to case basis, depending upon the remaining period of service, salary etc. subject to minimum as prescribed above.

C.The above loan amount will be disbursed in two equal installments - once for purchase of site and construction upto plinth level for which the plans are approved by the concerned authorities. The employees should submit photograph of the house under construction and other documentary evidence certifying the progress of the work which will be subject to verification by company’s representatives (IAD/dealers will verify this). After verifying the progress of work, the next installment will be paid subject to company’s satisfaction. In case of direct purchase of house, the sanctioned amount will be disbursed in full.

D.The application for loan shall be accompanied by the following documents, duly verified by Mr. H. S. Hayath Khan :

For purchase of site

(a)Agreement to sell by the owner of the site.

(b)Non-encumbrance certificate for 12 years.

(c)Copy of title deeds held by the owner of the site.

(d)Katha certificate/tax receipt of seller.

(e)Demand from Housing Development Authority/Society/owner etc. in respect of site indicating the amount called for, due date of payment etc.

(f)Source of financing the balance value of the site.

Receipt must be produced for having paid the amount to the seller within a period of one month from the date of disbursement.

For construction of house

(a)Possession certificate.

(b)Sale deed for purchase of site.

(c)Non-encumbrance certificate in respect of site for 12 years.

(d)Katha certificate/tax receipt.

(e)Approval of building plan by concerned authorities.

(f)Estimate for the cost of construction

(g)Source of financing

(h)Deficit amount sought as loan (i.e. within the ceiling)


For purchase of built house

(a)Agreement to sell by the owner of the house.

(b)Non-encumbrance certificate for 12 years.

(c)Copy of the title deed held by the owner of the house.

(d)Katha certificate/tax receipt of seller.

(e)Demand from Housing Development Authority/Society/owner in respect of proposed allotment of house indicating the amount called for, due date of payment etc.

(f)Source of financing the balance value of the house.

F.The employee will give a promissory note for the loan granted in favour of the company.

G.If the employee receives annual award/ex-gratia/long service award/bonus/leave salary/ special salary, the same will be appropriated towards the loan amount until the loan is fully repaid.

H.The monthly installment towards repayment will commence from the month subsequent to the month in which the loan is disbursed. The employee can also repay the loan earlier if he so desires. The employee will give an authorisation to the company to deduct from salary the monthly installments and also to make payment out of leave salary/awards/PF/ gratuity etc.

I.The employee or his/her spouse/children or parents should reside in the newly built house or purchased house which is partly financed by the company for a minimum period of 3 years.

J.The property should be owned either by the employee or his/her spouse.

K.When employee leaves the company, the entire outstanding loan amount should be paid before resignation and the amounts due to him will be paid after the loan amount is cleared.

LThe employees who construct the house or purchase site with the investment from loan under this scheme should not sell, transfer, gift or lose his right in any other manner on the property till the entire outstanding loan amount is repaid.

M.In case employee obtains the loan fraudulently or the facility is misused or the funds are diverted for any other purpose, he will be subject to strict disciplinary action in addition to recovering full amount with interest from the date of sanction of loan at the rate of 18% p.a. besides any penal action if considered necessary by the company.

N.The employee should give an undertaking to serve the company sincerely and loyally and faithfully for a minimum period of 10 years in toto or till retirement age whichever is less.

O.This facility is made available to those employees who have completed service honestly, loyally and to the entire satisfaction of the Management. Anybody having involved in anti- management activity, illegal, unproductive, destructive, violent and illegal strikes/ agitations are not entitled to this facility at all. In such a case, this scheme may be scrapped even.

P.Directors are not eligible under this scheme.

Q.Detailed terms and conditions, format of application, promissory note etc. regarding sanction of loan under this scheme are available in the Personnel Department. Documents of property be taken on company’s possession along with affidavit.




Provision of company’s vehicle

A.Applicable to Category IV employees staying in the campus

1.Trips to bus stand/railway station


Type of facility


Free pick up and drop from bus stand/railway station


- both sides irrespective of timings for category IV


employees staying in the campus with family.


(a)The above facilities are available once in a year for going to native place. This is also available for marriages, any death in the family as permitted in the procedure. In case the employee requires vehicle for second time for going to native place, he will be charged at the rate of Rs.3.50/- per km in D/F and Rs. 7.00 per km in B/F (up and down) for dropping and picking up. Besides approval should be obtained by Admin Department from AG/VP(A) for D/F and B/F respectively before allotting vehicle to avoid misuse in such cases. If the employee wants to go to native place more than two times, no vehicle will be provided.

(b)Advance intimation should be given to Admn. Manager regarding the requirement of vehicle as well as cancellation.

(c)Whenever the facility of free pick up and drop is available to the employees at bus/ railway station, but vehicle is not provided due to non-availability, which should be checked-up over phone with Admn. Manager, the employee may make his own arrangements for coming back to factory and reimbursement will be made at actuals subject to a limit of Rs.150/-for B/F and Rs. 250/- for D/F. This facility will also be available even if the employee comes by hired vehicle (of his own) without asking for any vehicle.

(d)Once the vehicle is sent to pick-up the employee and he does not turn-up, the vehicle will not be sent to him again for second time during that year.

(e)Bachelors will be given only free drop at bus stand/railway station. No pick up facility will be available to bachelors. In case the employee requires vehicle for second time for going to native place, he will be charged at the rate of Rs.3.50/- per km in D/F and Rs.7/- per km in B/F (up and down) for drop only. Besides approval should be obtained by AM from AG/VP(A) for D/F and B/F respectively before allotting vehicle to avoid misuse in such cases. The employee can come by Metro from Railway Station, in which case actual fare using Metro station shall be reimbursed. Beside vehicle will be sent for pickup from Nagasandra / Jindal station for which there will be no charge.

(f)If any employee has to travel second time in a year due to any death in family, vehicle shall be provided free of charge for second time in such case.

2.Category-IV employees staying inside the campus will be given free drop to and pick up from hospital for delivery cases.


3.Category-IV employees staying in campus are also provided the following facilities:

Illness, accident of family members or


Charged at Rs.7/- per km

visits by family members to hospital






(a)Vehicle should go back to factory within 4 hours, otherwise, halting charges of Rs.15/- per hour will be levied.

(b)This facility is available only twice in a month.

B. Applicable to Category I, II & III employees (staying in campus):

01.The company provides vehicle to employees falling under category I, II & III staying in the campus for shopping, receiving/sending guests, medical treatment, sight seeing, meeting relatives/friends, going to railway station/airport/bus stand. The limits are given below:


Ceiling on distance


per year (km)











(a)When this facility is granted, the employee is not eligible for separate vehicle facility/conveyance allowance.

(b)No vehicle will be provided to those who maintain their own cars.

(c)The above said vehicle facility will be charged at the rate of Rs.3.50/- per Km in D/F and Rs.7/- per km in B/F for distance covered subject to overall ceiling on distance mentioned above, except SME’s who are provided this facility at No cost.

(d)SMEs and SEs can give vehicles to their close relatives or guests coming from outside also.

02.All SMEs will take A/c car while going with family to City or anywhere for company’s work.

03.No self-driving is permitted. If driver is not available, it may be permitted by VP(A)/ED.

04.This facility cannot be claimed as a matter of right.

05.Only those employees who are staying in the factory campus with family are eligible. When the family is away, the vehicle can be used only for taking guests or going to railway station/bus stand/airport.

06.Where vehicle is sent to staff and their family members for availing treatment at MCH, the vehicle must be sent back immediately from MCH to JAL. They may however call for a vehicle through Admn. Manager at the end of treatment. Under no circumstances, the vehicle should be detained by the staff or by their family members for more than 20-30 minutes.


07.In respect of persons staying in the campus and having a 4-wheeler, company vehicle facility will be provided to them only in case of necessities like going to railway station, bus stand, airport, medical treatment etc. where self-driving is not possible, but on chargeable basis at Rs.10/- per km.

08.This facility should be judiciously used and vehicle should not be requisitioned for all and sundry purposes and without need unnecessarily.

09.Just because the facility is given, the mileage need not be exhausted.

10.Making the vehicle wait in the quarters by the staff/families who has indented for the vehicle is discouraged. However, upto 15 minutes waiting period is allowed. Beyond that halting charges by way of debiting the extra mileage in the accounts of the concerned staff member will be done as follows:

15-30 minutes


10 km

30-60 minutes


20 km

Beyond 60 minutes

: 50 km + vehicle will be withdrawn and



will not be given for that trip

This is not applicable to SMEs and SEs.

11.(a) The vehicle used for personal use should cover an average of minimum 6 km in one hour in each trip provided the vehicle returns within 6 hours. If the average distance covered is less than 6 km per hour of usage, then it will be accounted on the basis of 6 km per hour. If the average is more than that, then it will be accounted on the basis of actual km used.

(b)However, if the vehicle returns after 6 hours time, then it will be accounted on the basis of 10 km per hour on the entire time/km used with a grace time of 30 minutes in genuine cases.

(c)A maximum time of 10 hours at a time is allowed for each trip.

12.Bachelor staff and married persons not staying with family will also get vehicle facility upto 50% of the above and will be charged at the rate of Rs.3.50/- per Km in D/F and Rs.7/- per km in B/F but only for use when any guest/relative visits, for drop at railway station/bus stand/airport, pick up from railway station/bus stand/airport and not to be used otherwise. If anyone is found to use the vehicle otherwise, double the amount per km will be recovered from him for the distance travelled by him that day. Besides, disciplinary action will also be taken against him. Vehicle facility will be allowed for shopping in the city to Executives once a month and to Sr.Executives twice a month.

13.In case of outstation trips with family (with the approval of VP(A)/ED):

(a)3 days advance notice must be given.

(b)This facility is available only for SMEs and SEs for going with family.

(c)Duration should not exceed 10 days.

(d)Maximum number of passengers is 4 adults (more than 18 years) and 3 children below 18 years.

14.In case of trips to city, the duration should not exceed 10 hours per day. In case extra time is required, approval from VP(A)/ED is required with justification.

15.In case the allotted mileage is completely exhausted, the employee will be charged at 150% of normal rate per km for extra use.


16.The un-utilised mileage cannot be carried forward and will lapse at the end of the financial year.

17.Admn. Manager will maintain complete records regarding use of vehicle by employees and AM will check these records once in a week and IAD once in a month.

18.Watch & Ward personnel will also maintain a record regarding the meter reading of

vehicles coming and going, which will help AD and IAD to cross-check Admn.Department’s records. CSO will ensure that this is followed strictly. AD will cross check the meter reading recorded by Admn. Manager as per driver’s log book and gate record. Gate record is not open for verification by Admn. Manager /WO but only to AD for checking purposes.

19.Whenever vehicle is not provided, the same should be intimated to VP(A) on a day to day basis with reasons who will verify the same and take action if necessary. AM should maintain record for this purpose and show to VP(A) once a month.

20. The vehicle should be provided on first-come first-serve basis unless it is an emergency like for medical treatment etc.

21.SMEs may go to City by company’s car in the morning or afternoon during any one working day in a week for 5 hours with or without family for personal work (movies, shopping, entertainment etc.). This is apart from Sundays/holidays. Car mileage will be within the annual limit fixed. If two families take the car jointly, the mileage will be debited at 50:50. By this, SME is permitted to be absent 5/6 working hours a week with pay for personal trip.

Sr.Executives may also go to city similarly, but twice a month and Executives once a month. They will be marked present for this. All will inform MD/ED.

22.On Sundays and holidays, two or more SMEs (singles) together may take a car to city instead of going in bus without debiting his mileage account. They may also take any others with them, if they so desire.

23. Generally, small cars should be used for all the above purposes by all except SMEs who may use other cars.

C.Provision of vehicle for accidents on duty

All employees (staff and workers) are provided free vehicle facility for taking the accident victims to hospitals and bringing them back from hospitals. Attenders / family members can also go in the same vehicle.

D.General Notes:

(a)All employees requiring vehicle should give the requisition for vehicle well in advance to Admn. Manager /WO.

(b) Admn. Manager should not provide the vehicle without the approval of the countersigning persons except in cases of emergency, like illness, accidents etc. and in such cases also, he should get the approval immediately thereafter in case of category-IV employees.

(c)Vehicle will be provided only for genuine reasons and cannot be claimed as a matter of right.


(d)In case any person misuses the vehicle or uses it for a purpose other than for which it is requisitioned, he will be charged double the normal rate and will also be debarred from this facility.

(e)(i) The employee may travel free in a vehicle going to city on official trips, provided advance intimation is given to Admn. Manager and no extra mileage is covered by the vehicle.

(ii)In case the employee wants to use the vehicle combined with official trip, he has to pay for the extra mileage at the rate of Rs.10/- per km in case he has exhausted limits available to him. However, it should be ensured that company’s work does not suffer. He should also give the vehicle requisition and get it approved by the concerned authority as specified above.

(iii)In case the vehicle is misused at the cost of official work, 100% charges will be levied for up and down for entire distance.

(f)The vehicle facility is not available for going out of Bangalore without special permission of ED/MD.

(g)Admin. Manager will maintain a record of the vehicle provided to each employee and charges recovered from them on monthly basis out of salary. This will be checked daily or on alternate days by AM and will be counter-checked by IAD every month.

(h)All are expected to use this facility judiciously and only when there is necessity.

(i)Vehicle should not be used for bringing heavy items like refrigerators ,washing machine etc.

(j)WO/Admn. Manager should keep constant watch and make periodical enquiries from drivers to find out whether any employee is misusing the vehicle. AM should keep vigilance on such matters.

(k)New staff will be extended necessary help in settling down with their family immediately on their arrival. They will be given car or van to bring provision items and other necessary household items for a duration of 8 hours without any charge. This will not be debited to their eligible vehicle limit. The new staff can accompany his family (for the purpose mentioned), for which they will not be marked leave, but this facility can be given upto 8 hours only either on the day of arrival or within 3 days of arrival. The staff member must attend office duty for at least half a day in such a case.

(l)Deduction from eligibility limit should be made on the basis of total km charged instead of actual Km run.

(m)Maximum number of passengers is 4 adults above 18 years and 3 children below 18 years of age.

(n)In case of cancellation, advance intimation should be given to Admn. Manager ; otherwise Rs.20/- will be charged towards retention charges.

(o)Staff under category I, II and III can use vehicle for pick up or drop up to Nagasandra Metro station, within the above limits.




1.Drinking Water:

The company has a filtration plant for treating water. Hence, treated and filtered water is supplied to all colonies etc. in the complex for drinking purposes free of charge.

2.Flour Grinder:

Two grinders are installed in the colony for the convenience of all employees living in the complex. No grinding charges are collected.


(a)A Library consisting of various books/magazines/newspapers is available for staff.

The time limit for returning the books/magazines taken from library is as follows :




one week




2 days

(b)In case books/magazines are not returned within the specified time, a fine of Re.1/- will be collected per day for each book/magazine for the delayed period. Librarian should properly monitor the return of such books/magazines, collect fine, deposit with Cashier once in a week and maintain a note book regarding collection of fines which should be checked by Admn. Manager once in a week and by DS once in a month.

(c)In Satsang Hall, whoever reads newspapers, magazines, books etc. should keep them back in order.

(d)Playing arrangements - indoor as well as outdoor games are available for all staff, such as carrom board, table tennis, chess, playing cards, volley ball, badminton etc. Table tennis racquets or balls or coins for carrom board should be properly kept back in order.

4.Entertainment facilities

(a)The Company has provided a TV in all bachelor rooms, staff canteen, ERC and workers hall.

(b)DTH facility is provided free of cost which can be viewed in all quarters in staff and workers colony by the families having TVs.

(c)A radio-cum-record player and tape deck/player are available for the staff.

(d)Spiritual Satsangs are held in Satsang Hall every Sunday morning for about 45 minutes.

(e)Occasionally, the staff members go on picnic in one group in Company’s bus and cars with food and all other facilities provided by the Company.


(f)Holi/Deepavali functions are celebrated every year when all staff/workers participating in the function at the campus are provided with colours etc. free of cost apart from snacks/sweets.

(g)A Community Hall with various facilities has been provided in the staff colony for their families.

(h)Republic Day and Independence Day are celebrated in a big way when games are held for staff and workers. Also mass lunch is served to all staff/workers and their families.

5. Comforts for the employees living in the campus:

If any difficulty or inconvenience whatsoever in the quarters/living etc. is felt, the same should be reported to Admin. Manager/AD for taking immediate remedial measures. As regards repairs, white-washing and other facilities in quarters, DS/AD will survey all the houses once in a year and all are expected to co-operate with them in giving their requirements of repairs, alterations, improvements etc. in the houses. On preparing such lists, house-wise in detail, DS, with the approval of MD/ED, will take steps for providing such facilities.

6. Lawns:

Lawns in the residence of all in the colony should be maintained by the residents/family themselves properly and with interest. Wherever it is found that lawn is not maintained properly, that family will be shifted to multi-storeyed building having no lawn facility, as they do not deserve to have a lawn. However, one of the malis of the company can visit the quarters twice a month but not for more than 15 minutes, just to guide about the maintenance and any other problem. No one should unnecessarily waste time of malis by retaining them for more than 15 minutes.

7.Miscellaneous facilities:

(a)For the convenience of the staff, the Company has made arrangements within the complex for regular necessities like tailor, barber, laundry, provision shop, bank, post office, restaurant, hospital, school and PU college and degree college.

(b)A TV set will be given to the family of SME, SE and Executives at the time of joining for a maximum period of one month by which time they may acquire their own and the

Company’s TV will be taken back. However, this period may be extended by another one month by VP(A)/ ED.

(c)SMEs staying in the colony may have a get-together in the guest house or elsewhere once a week or whenever they like, when they may also invite other Sr. Executives/ Executives and guests, if they so like for chit chat and entertainment - no discussion about business/duties/activities. They may get specially prepared nice dishes, snacks from the canteen.

(d)Repairs, maintenance, renovation, painting etc. of all quarters well in all respects shall be done once in 5 years provided that covering of furniture, curtains etc. shall be done by employees at their own cost. However, any special provisions/changes/ additions as well as painting of the resident’s choice can also be done in respect of SMEs and

SEs after approval by the Welfare Committee. Residents should give their requirements and discuss with VP(A)/ ED directly in advance.


(e)The company will continue to extend handsome financial help during wedding of self or own sister or own daughter as per status and situation of the employee concerned.

(f)Vegetables and fruits grown in our campus shall be supplied as follows:


to those residing in the campus (SMEs) :

twice a week


to KRR:


once a week.

(g)All air conditioners, air coolers, refrigerators, furniture and geysers in quarters provided by the company will be repaired at company’s cost by Admin. Manager once a year in case of SMEs and SEs while once in two years in case of others. But any breakage/ damage done by the family members due to carelessness, mishandling or intentionally, the same will be recovered from the concerned family as per separate guidelines available with Admin. Manager.




1.Age of Retirement:

Retirement age for workers and class IV employees will be 58 years, for Executives and below 65 years and for SEs 70 years and SMEs 75 years provided they are physically and mentally fit and work sincerely upto the satisfaction of the management. Management may also give extension beyond the above age limit to deserving employees solely at its discretion. The employees can work continuously beyond the said retirement age provided their performance is upto the satisfaction of the management.

Executive/staff retiring after about 25 years of continuous service will be presented with some ex-gratia amount in honour of his having served the company sincerely, devotedly, diligently and upto its entire satisfaction.

2.Provident Fund:

The Company operates a recognised Provident Fund Trust. All employees are eligible to participate in the Fund as per PF Rules.

Each month the company contributes sum equivalent to 12% ( 8.33% in FPF +3.67% in EPF) of their salary to the fund. Employees also make contribution to the Provident Fund.

EPF pension scheme gives a guaranteed monthly pension after the retirement .EPF

pension is based on service period and last drawn salary . The government manages the pension account of all the employee. The family of employee also get the pension after the demise of the employee.


The company has established a separate Gratuity Fund and pays gratuity equivalent to 15 days salary (on the basis of last drawn salary) for each completed year of service. The employee should have completed minimum 5 years of service in order to be eligible for this benefit. The Fund also provides Insurance Cover for the full amount of gratuity till retirement, subject to a ceiling of Rs.20 lakh as per Payment of Gratuity Act.

4.Group Insurance (EDLI):

Group Insurance for all employees has been arranged with LIC at an additional cost to the Company, under which all employees have been offered cover of Rs.2,50,000/- each (which may change from time to time). In case of Death of an employee leaving behind him/her dependent family members, the group insurance will pay to his or her legal heirs an amount Rs.6,02,000/- (which may change from time to time).

5.Death Relief:

In case of premature death of an employee on duty leaving behind him/her dependent family members, the Company or Trust will pay to his or her legal heirs an amount equivalent to 6 months last drawn salary or Rs 1,00,000/- whichever is higher, apart from all other dues as entitled.

6.Employment on compassionate grounds:

The Company provides employment to the dependants of the deceased, medically incapacitated and superannuated employees or even of serving employees on merits.





1.The Welfare Committee consisting of the following members will take decisions on matters relating to allotment of quarters, advances, sanctioning of loans for housing, vehicle loans etc.:

Dhiraj Singh





Will head the Committee in the absence of DS



(Vinit Jha in absence of U.C.Dosi)

Kamal Singhal






Mahesh Sharma



Ashok Pareek


Member ( for JNI/MCH matters)

Aman Dadwal



2.The Committee will ensure that the applicants have been doing well for the organisation for long, particularly the recent trend of working and attitude must be assessed. These facilities will not be sanctioned abruptly and blindly. It will also be ensured that no matter is kept pending and immediate decision should be taken after getting the applications wherever necessary. In case it is found that the matters are kept pending or delayed, concerned member will be expelled and also penalised. Duration of the meeting shall be short and it could be held as frequently as required by the Chairman or VC of the Welfare Committee All points discussed, approved and rejected should be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

3.Secretary, or any member, in consultation with Chairman, will request for holding the meeting as and when required. While giving the approvals, sanctions etc., they will keep in view the interest of the organisation as foremost and not come under the influence or pressure of any kind from the employees. Discipline and image have to be maintained at all costs, but at the same time the members will see that no undue harassment, inconvenience or injustice is caused to any of the sincere/hard-working employees. Looking after the interest of loyal, sincere, honest, hard working, diligent and competent employees is also equally important since they are part and parcel of the organisation.

4.Allotment of accommodation in colony:

Employees who require accommodation in colony must give their requisition in writing well in advance to Kamal Singhal or Secretary of Welfare Committee and for JNI/MCH matters to Ashok Pareek. They must mention clearly the number of persons in the family. Allotment of accommodation will be considered on case to case basis depending on the availability. Employees cannot claim this facility as a matter of right. The Member from Personnel Department shall prepare a list of persons who require accommodation and availability of accommodation and put up before the Welfare Committee. The Welfare Committee shall consider the application of each employee on merits. The Welfare Committee shall consider the period of service put in by the employee, his efficiency, and recommendation of the department head. New employees (other than workers) who have already been allotted accommodation at the time of interview will not be covered by this procedure. Generally, bachelor accommodation will be allotted to new employees (other than workers) at the time of joining. Family accommodation will be provided (after a time-


gap of 3 to 6 months) only to married employees (other than workers) staying with spouse and/or children.

In case of workers, in view of limited quarters available, allotment of quarters will be made only to those workers who have completed minimum 5 years of continuous service, with salary of minimum Rs.13,000/- p.m. and grading of –A continuously in the previous 3 years of service. However, Committee will be fully empowered to take any decision in this regard, with reference to grading and salary.

5.The first step of Welfare Committee will be to review existing accommodation allotment in JAL and JNI/MCH entirely.

6.The Welfare Committee shall take decisions on following matters, but only limited to :

(a)Accommodation allotment

(b)Additional facilities to be provided

(c)Improvements in existing facilities

(d)Outsourced facilities (e.g. kaka shop, contract canteen, barber shop, dhobi)

(e)Sanction of housing and vehicle loan

All the above will be decided as per perks & facilities procedure and all requests for the above must be routed through Welfare Committee only.

7.Canteen Committee will submit their report to Welfare Committee, who will take final decision of the menu of all the canteens of JAL, JNI/MCH.

8.In matter relating to sanction of advances to employees, the current practice will continue and to be followed as per guidelines under “interest-free advances” in Part-VII of JAL Perks & Facilities Procedure.

9.Any small matter or allotment needs urgent attention, Committee can decide on case to case basis by circulation of papers instead of holding meeting of the Welfare Committee.

10.The Committee will consult or take the guidance of ED/MD/VC wherever necessary and where the matter is of major importance. They will send a copy of the minutes to ED/MD who will go through the same. MD or ED can change any decision of the Welfare Committee. The minutes copy should be properly filed and maintained by Secretary.

In the absence of Mr.Dhiraj Singh, Mr.U.C.Dosi will be the Chairman of the Committee. All the members must be present in the meetings except in case of being on outstation visit.



ACCIDENTS . ON DUTY (for all staff and workers- inside the factory campus)

1.Major Accidents

(a)If there is any serious injury, i.e. major fracture, major cuts or burns, they should immediately be taken to MCH for treatment. They may be sent to other hospitals if the facilities are not available in MCH, on the recommendation of MCH Doctors.

(b)The company will pay full hospital bills, medical expenses including food expenses, i.e. milk, meals, fruits etc.

(c)Full salary maximum upto first 30 days and thereafter, 50% salary for a period deemed necessary, will be paid.

(d)In case of bachelor employees, an attendant will be provided, at the sole discretion of the company.

2.Medium Accidents (minor fractures, cuts, burns etc.)

(a)These type of accidents will also be attended immediately and patient will be taken to MCH. The patient should be admitted in the hospital or brought back to factory as per

Doctor’s advice and can be sent again for bandage, plaster, check-up etc., if necessary by company’s vehicle.

(b)In this case also, company will pay entire hospital bill, medical expenses excluding food expenses.

(c)Full salary maximum upto first 10 days and thereafter 50% salary for a period deemed necessary, will be paid. But if any patient absents himself, knowingly or without the permission of ED/MD even though he is capable of doing light work, he will not be paid any salary but marked absent/leave.

3.Minor Injury

(a)If there are any minor injuries while working in the factory, they will be treated in MCH.

(b)They will be paid medical expenses only. No paid leave shall be allowed at all.

(c)They may return to duty and do light work till they are completely cured, for which they will be paid normal salary.

(d)The company at the sole discretion of ED/MD can grant 1 or 2 days paid leave also if the patient is advised rest and therefore is not able to attend duty.


(a)All accident/injury cases will be under AM and in his absence AD will take care, who will be assisted by WO. Admn. Manager should depute any liaison staff with the patient to hospital, so that patient is attended immediately. This is applicable only when the patient cannot be treated in MCH.

(b)If the facilities are not available in MCH, the injured person should be taken only to

St.Martha’s or Victoria Hospital or any other Govt.Hospitals or M. S. Ramaiah old hospital and not to be taken to Private Nursing Homes. If anyone wants to be treated at a private Nursing Home, Company will pay the expenses equal to the standard of the above hospitals only.


(c)Admn. Manager or WO attending to the patient will report to VP(A) or AD and will ensure that the patient does not face any discomfort or difficulty.

(d)AM will report to MD/ED in case of major injury and consult them for action to be taken if the patient is very serious. All will give report to their seniors from time to time.

(e)If any accident/injury occurs to an employee outside the factory or when he/she is not on company’s duty, he/she should also be attended to properly but at their own expenses.

(f)A comprehensive record will be maintained by the Personnel Manager in respect of accidents/illness of the employees, their expenses borne by the company and frequency of vehicles provided to them along with other facilities which will be checked and signed by AM every month.

(g)Those who are covered under ESI Scheme should be sent to ESI Hospitals, since they will get the benefit, medicare and hospital expenses from ESI Corporation and no amount will be reimbursed by the company in such cases.




1.An employee to become a member, should either be getting a gross salary of Rs.50000/- p.m. or has serviced the company for a minimum period of 5 years provided he is not below the rank of Assistant Executive. Further, they should in the age group of 28 to 50 years. Relaxation of the above conditions is at the sole discretion of the management.

2.The pension benefits are given after retirement. The retirement age is 60 years which can be extended twice by two years each time only by the Board of Directors of the Company.

3.If the employee retires before normal retirement age due to his ill health or permanent and total disablement or as a very special case the Board of Directors of the company consider it fit or necessary, he will be given the benefit of pension subject to his obtaining a “No Objection Certificate” from the company.

4.The company contributes 10% of the basic salary of the employee towards this fund every year. The employee does not contribute anything towards this fund.

5.The amount contributed is invested with the Life Insurance Corporation of India to offer pension benefits to employees. LIC pays interest at the rate of 8.20% p.a. (approx.) . This added with the contribution made towards each employee works out as below.

Suppose salary of an employee is Rs.25,000/- p.m., the Company contributes 10% of Rs.25,000/-, i.e. Rs.2,500/- p.m. or in other words Rs.30,000/- per year to LIC. The LIC credits the an amount of Rs.30000/- to the member’s account which fetches interest at the rate of 8.20% p.a. (approx.) and gets added on to the member’s account. This process is repeated every year. In the above example, if the salary is increased to Rs.27,000/- on account of increment, the Company contribution gets enhanced to 10% of Rs.27,000/-, i.e. Rs.32400 for that year.

We are having a separate policy for covering the death of the employees and the premium is paid by the employer.

6.The pension benefits available to the employees are illustrated by the following examples:

(a)Mr.’X’ has joined the Company at the age of 33 and he has 27 years of service in the Company. His salary on commencement was Rs.25,000/-. Assuming an annual increment of Rs.2,000/- in the first 10 years, Rs3000/- in the next 10 years and Rs.4,000/- in the balance 7 years, his last drawn salary will be Rs.103,000/- and pension benefit on retirement will be Rs.30720/- p.m. In addition to this, on the death of the employee after retirement, his family will get a substantial amount of Rs.50,40,675/-, which can again be kept with the LIC and the family can get the pension amount of Rs30,720/- p.m. (approx)

(b)Mr.’Y’ has joined the Company at the age of 38 and he has 22 years of service in the

Company. His salary on commencement was Rs.27,000/- p.m. Assuming an average annual increment of Rs2000-3,000, his last salary drawn will be Rs.83,000/- p.m. and pension benefits on retirement will be Rs.18629/- p.m. In addition, his family will get Rs.3056719/- on his death, which can again be kept with the LIC and the family can get the pension amount of Rs.18629/- p.m. (approx)


It can be seen from the above illustrations that the pension benefit is more in the case of employees who put in longer years of service with the Company and is quite substantial, running to lakhs of rupees. Even if a person does not put in 25 years of service and completes just 15 years of service, owing to his ill health or joining the Company late etc., still the amount is quite substantial. In the above examples, Mr.’X’ will get Rs.7420/- p.m. and Mr.’Y’ will get Rs.7808/- p.m. In addition, in case of death of the employee, his family will get a lump sum amount, i.e. Mr.’X’ - Rs.12,17,465 and Mr.’Y’ - Rs.12,81,223/- respectively.

7.Though the Company desires that everyone live healthily even after retirement, in the event of any untoward incident of death during the period of service, death cover becomes operative and apart from accumulated account, LIC pays Rs.100000/- as death benefit.

s Rs.1,00,000/-,will be paid to the legal heirs of the employee either in lump sum or by way of pension. In addition to the above, whatever amount accumulated under the scheme to the credit of the individual employee as explained in para 5 above together with interest will also be paid to the legal heirs which will also be quite substantial, e.g. in the cases mentioned above, if the death was to occur at the end of 10 years of service, the legal heirs will get the following payments from LIC:






Total benefits on death after




completion of 10 years :




death cover




Accumulated amount in the




superannuation scheme at




the end of 10 years











Additional benefits that




will accrue in case of death




takes place after completion




of 20 years service







Total amount payable in case




death takes place after




completion of 20 years service




It can be seen from the above that substantial benefits are passed on to the employee under the superannuation scheme.




1.SMEs, SEs and Executives may attend seminars etc. more liberally in or outside Bangalore after approval by ED and MD, who will also plan such programmes as frequently as possible to gain more knowledge and have relaxation - all at company’s cost. MD and ED must attend one or two seminars in a year, preferably outside Bangalore.

2.No one should have feeling or fear of insecurity of job. The company will never leave you - cannot afford, cannot continue without your sincere working. For this you have to simply develop and imbibe the sense of faith and attachment towards your company. Only insincere people leave the company midstream.

3.The company will help for securing admission of the children of SMEs and SEs in higher classes including professional studies. The Company may also consider giving grants/ loans in case donation/capitation fees is involved. This will be sanctioned on case to case basis as per the financial powers prescribed for advances.

4.The company will also continue to extend financial help to all categories of employees during any serious or prolonged disease. The company will also consider employment on compassionate ground to their children in case any employee is not able to work due to any disability.

5.Scholarship will be given from SJF to children of JAL/Institution employees irrespective of their level of income. Scholarship to employees children will be given for courses as per guidelines of the scholarship scheme of SJF. In addition to the courses as per guidelines, employees children will also be considered for award of scholarship for engineering, medical, IT courses provided they get admission in these courses on merit and not on payment seat. To be eligible for the scholarship, they should have secured a minimum of 60% marks in the qualifying examination. Further, parents should not have any other source of income other than income from the company. Maximum two children will be considered for the scholarship under this scheme. Beyond this, it will be considered on case to case basis. Grand children of employees will be considered for scholarship as per the normal procedure of the scholarship scheme of SJF. The scholarship will be stopped in case the employee leaves JAL or Institution, as the case may be.

6.SMEs, SEs and Executives may go to see cricket/tennis matches, cultural programmes in

City more liberally at Company’s cost with ED/MD’s approval.

7.All SMEs with their family or alone, jointly or individually may go for picnics, sight seeing etc. They (alone) also should go to enjoy games, matches (sports), functions, movies, restaurants etc. as frequently as they wish at company’s cost. They (alone) may also use company’s canteen and other facilities for their own use whenever they so wish (like dosa, idli etc. in the canteen, pakoras on Sundays etc).

8.SMEs and SEs may/should invite officers with families at their houses when they should get all food items from canteen - without any hesitation.

9.Some of the SMEs, SEs and Executives may be recommended shares in other Jindal group companies as per the performance record of concerned employees, long service period and company’s assessment/discretion to enable them to have additional income.

10.Adult sons of the Executives/staff and male guests of Executives/staff may attend the parties including dinner party being hosted by the Company.)



11.All SMEs are expected to wear decent dress (neat turn-out) while attending office or visiting any official, Ministers, functions etc.

12.If and when anyone is or becomes lethargic, inefficient, irresponsible and careless in his work/duty, he will not deserve the above facilities which may be curtailed as per his output etc. All must take decisions and responsibilities (must not evade) without delay, failing which they are not loyal to the company.

13.Final accounts including Provident Fund and other dues shall not be paid to the employees leaving the company, unless they return all items, uniforms etc. Otherwise, cost of such items shall be deducted from their dues. Personnel Department is fully responsible for this and Personnel Manager will be held liable to compensate the company besides facing other actions.

14.Family for the purpose of “Perks and Facilities” (except for ESI), means spouse and dependent children unless specifically stipulated.

15.The company will create a training department which will identify the area of the training required by a particular employee and provide him necessary training at its cost. This will be under HR dept. and will ensure all employees are brought upto their potential.

16.All the above Perks and Facilities will be granted to the employees purely at the discretion of the Management. The Management may grant/withdraw/increase/reduce the facilities without prior intimation and also on case to case basis.

17.All are requested to strictly follow the conditions stipulated for availment of various facilities. No one is authorised to change the terms and conditions of the above facilities and in case of any difficulty, they may report to CFO/ED who in turn will get the approval from CMD/ Governing Committee and suitably amend it.

18.Any amendment to this procedure shall be finalised by DGM(F& T) /CFO and finally approved jointly by ED and MD.

Checking of procedure

CS will surprise check from time to time (at least once a month) to see that this procedure is being implemented rightly and precisely in all respects and also to suggest if any practical problems are faced or changes required to ensure and make foolproof, specially in respect of dishonesty, wastage, misuse, inefficiency, evading responsibility etc. He is authorised to take action directly where he feels necessary and inform the SME concerned for taking further action, besides informing ED/CMD while in B/F. In case of any urgency, he may write to CMD.

( Ashok Kumar Agrawal )




Chairman & Managing Director



Vice Chairman



Managing Director



Executive Director



Naveen Mehta



Ashish Goyal



Chief Financial Officer



Company Secretary



Chief Security Officer






Dy. General Manager (Finance & Taxation)



Aman Dadwal



Administrative Manager



Welfare Officer



Bangalore Factory



Senior Most Executive



Senior Executive



Dabaspet Factory



Jindal Naturecure Institute



Manav Charitable Hospital



Jindal Charitable Hospital

