(Rolling Division)
2nd Amendment to General Procedure dated 20.4.2020
1. Under Part-I ‘Procedure for preparation of requisition/indent, approval of OFS etc.’, on page-2,
under “Head of Departmentspoint ‘C-General’ shall be substituted as under:
HOD Name
Name of person who will
prepare indent
Ratish Kumar Chaubey
M. V. Satyanarayana
S.K. Jain
SS Jarali / Praveen Agarwal
M.Satesh Kumar
Pushparaja / Rohit/ Venkatesh
Binit Kumar
Rabindra Behera / Naveen
Pradeep Singhal
Rajendar Singh/Sandeep
OF OFS etc.” on page 3 second paragraphs shall be substituted as follows:
No separate hard copy of indents shall be taken for those cases, where all authority
approve indent in ERP system as per procedure and such cases shall be verified and
controlled through ERP (Soft copy). In other cases, one hard copy (Print) shall also
be taken for taking the approvals as per limits for approval of indents and shall be
given to the following persons after proper verification and necessary approvals:
First copy purchase
Asst. Manager Purchase (SKM) for local purchase (P1)
and PM (Purchase Manager) for outstation purchase
(P2) and for import P. K. Kalra (P3)
Second Copy to SM
Stores Asst. /Assistant Storekeeper for preparation of
rate analysis for record after getting acknowledgement
from purchaser.
3. Under Part-I “Procedure for preparation of requisition/indent, approval of OFS etc.” on page
4, under point No.4 -“Limits for Approval of Indents”, sub point No.(a) - ‘Revenue items’, sub
point No. (b) ‘Capital items and spares’ and sub point No.(c) ‘Job work’, limit and approving
authority shall be substituted as follows:
(a) Revenue items:
Up to Rs.25,000/-
Above Rs.25,000/- and
up to Rs.1,00,000/-
Above Rs.1,00,000 and
up to Rs.2,00,000/-
Above Rs.2,00,000/-
b. Capital items & Spares:
Approving Authority
Upto Rs.25,000/-
SM + Concerned HOD (2 persons)
Above Rs.25,000/- and up to
As in (i) above + SKP/AG + KS +
VP(O)/RNS (5 persons)
Above Rs.2,00,000/- and
upto Rs.5,00,000/-
As in (ii) above + DS/NM (6 persons)
Above Rs.5,00,000/-
As in (iii) above + Vice Chairman &
Managing Director (VCMD) (7 persons)
c. Job Work:
Job work excludes cases where items are sent out for repair/reconditioning. Items sent
for repair of vehicles, refrigerators, air-conditioners etc. or for rewinding of motors,
testing etc. will not be covered under job work. Job work includes cases where items
are sent out for machining, turning, milling, slotting, shaping, boring, drilling, honing,
fabrication etc. For the purpose of value, it shall include cost of material, if any used by
job work contractors.
Approving Authority
Upto Rs.25,000/-
SM + Concerned HOD (2 persons)
Above Rs.25,000/- and
upto Rs.2,00,000/-
As mentioned in (i) above + SKP/AG + KS
+ VP(O)/RNS (5 persons)
Above Rs.2,00,000/-
As mentioned in (ii) above + DS/NM (6
4. Under Part I “Procedure for preparation of requisition/indent, approval of OFS etc.on page
no 5, point No.(vii) will be substituted as follows:
“vii. Wherever any project, machinery or spares etc. has been approved from VCMD/CMD
and approval copy being attached in indent reference, then such indents need not be
circulated to the next approving authority (as per matrix given in the procedure). In such
cases, concerned HOD along with stores passing is enough for indent regularisation and
5. Under Part I “Procedure for preparation of requisition/indent, approval of OFS etc.” on page
7, under point no. “xvii” Technical Notes and Approval Routing” (modified as per first
amendment dated 16.05.2020) sub point “Capex Projects” shall be substituted as follows:
Capex Projects:
The initiation of the Capex Project shall be done by Dabaspet development team and
routed through the end user, departmental hierarchy and HOD, DGM(C), GM(A), GM(O),
VP(O) and VCMD. VCMD shall get the documents reviewed by the Capex Committee.
It shall have a summary sheet of the technical capabilities as an Annexure-I. As a matter of
benchmarking, the final evaluation of the project shall have to achieve 95% of the technical
parameters outlined in the Annexure-I.
Projects initiated because of marketing initiation shall have a document of projected
demand, target customer base, customer consent and clear documentation of quality
stated and implied, product range in terms of thickness, width, probable alloy etc. This
document shall form Annexure-2.
All project papers shall benchmark the Capex and Opex cost and calculation of payback
etc. shall be on TCO (Total cost of Ownership) model. Overhead costs like travel
expenses, capitalisation of Interest costs etc. shall also be ensured.
All Capex document shall have routing slip and the approval shall be completed within 15
days of initiation.
Equipment ordering shall be only initiated after the approval has been received and filed by
the Manager (R&D Technology).
After completion of the project, DGM-IAD will do a detailed comparison of the actual
performance vs. the projected performance on the original Capex project proposal. This
report, he will submit to VCMD directly.
OF OFS etc.” on page 8, under point no. “5”, ‘Preparation And Approval of OFS’, sub point
no. b” ‘Revenue items’, limit and approving authority shall be substituted as follows:
“b. Limits for approval of OFS (revenue, capital items, spares and canteen, vehicle
repairs, job work, maintenance contracts etc.)
Approving Authority
Up to Rs.25,000/-
Asst. PM + User dept HOD + PM (3 persons)
Above Rs.25,000/- &
up to Rs.1,00,000/-
As above(i) + SKP + AG
(for outstation purchases) (5 persons)
As per JAL B.F Procedure (for local
Above Rs.1,00,000/- &
up to Rs.2,00,000/-
As per (ii) above + VP(O) +DS (7 persons)
Above Rs.2,00,000/-
As per (iii) above + NM (8 persons)
Mgr (R&DTech)
(for filing)
OF OFS etc.” on page 9, under point no. “Note”, sub point no. “ix” to be added after sub
point no. ‘viii’ as follows:
“ix. Purchaser can buy one time use items for value upto Rs 10,000/-, without indent
due to urgency with prior approval of HOD+AG/VP(O). However, all records should
be maintained such as indent, GRN etc. for proper control after receipt of material.
8. Under Part II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page no.14, under point no “a”
“Store Requisition/Indent”, sub point no. “vi” relating to ‘Specific Brand requirement, limit
and approving authority shall be substituted as follows:
Up to Rs.25,000/-
Above Rs.25,000/-to
as in {i} above + KS
Above Rs.2,00,000/-
as in {II} above + VP(O)
9. Under Part II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page no.14, under point no
“a” “Store Requisition/Indent”, sub point no. “vii” relating to ‘Urgent requirement,
limit and approving authority shall be substituted as follows:
Up to Rs.25,000/-
Above Rs.25,000
as in {i} above + VP(O)
Note: For all items above Rs 2,00,000/- indented urgently, a list should be prepared every
month and to be circulated to DS and PJK.
10. Under Part II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page no.14, under point no “a”
“Store Requisition/Indent”, sub point no. “ix”, words “AG/DM/MD” appearing in third line
will be substituted by words “AG/VP(O)/VCMD ”.
11. Under Part II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page no.15, under point no
“a” “Store Requisition/Indent”, sub point no. “xiv”, words “GM(C)/VP/MD” appearing in third
line will be substituted by words “GM(C)/VP(O)/VCMD ”.
12. Under Part II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page no.17, under point no “b”
“ABC Analysis”, sub point no. “xiv”, words reviewed and” appearing in first line will be
substituted by words “reviewed once in a six months and ”.
13. Under Part II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page no.17, under point no “b”
“ABC Analysis”, sub point no. “xvii”, following sentence will be added as separate
“However, purchase department to confirm the non return of purchased items to supplier,
prior to handing over to Ajay Lodha/Head of disposal team.”
14. Under Part-II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page No.17, under point
No.(c) - “Issues”, sub point (i) shall be substituted as follows:
(i) No item should be issued from stores unless the issue slip for the same is signed as
below. The issue slips will be authorized through ERP as below:
Issue slip value upto Rs.25,000/-
Concerned Supervisors
Issue slip value above Rs.25,000/-
and upto Rs.1.00 lakh
As in (a) above + HOD (2
Issue slip value above Rs.1.00 lakh
As in (b) above +
15. Under Part II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page no.18, under point no “c”
“Issues”, sub point no. “iii” to be deleted being duplicacy of sub point no. “v”.
16. Under Part II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page no.18, under point no “c”
“Issues”, sub point no. “iv”, following sentences will be added as separate paragraphs:
“If Stores dept is not receiving back old material having value more than Rs.5,000 within
30 days from the date of issue, then Store Manager will circulate a list once in 2 months to
DGM(C) / GM(A) + VP(O) for further action.
Immovable rotation spare item (ie Work Roll ,Backup roll with choke , heavy motor,
Container, Caster shell, Big hyd Cylinder, etc) with machine will be updated in ERP Spare
godown Stock and exact location of the item will be mentioned in respect of nearest to
related machine/equipment. However item custodian and the responsibility will be in
account of respective user and SM. SM will ensure to verify the physical stock once in a
17. Under Part II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page no.19, under point no
“Note”, sub point no. “g”, following sentences will be added as separate paragraph:
“However all containers of imported raw material should be weighed outside at
weighbridge in addition to weighment on our weighbridge. It should be ensured that the
third party weighbridge is digital and no chance of them manually altering the weight. No
employee of Shipping/Stores is required to go to third party weighbridge to physically
check the weighment in front of them.
18. Under Part II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page no.19, under point no.
“Note”, sub point no. “j” to be deleted, since it is repletion of sub point no. “iv” of point no. “c”
“Issues” on page 18 .
19. Under Part II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page no.19, under point no.
“Note”, sub point no. k” , words all type of gases issued by storeappearing in eleventh
line will be substituted by words all type of gases, rolling oil, diatomaceous powder, FE
powder, Ginol additive issued by store ”.
20. Under part-II ‘Guidelines for purchase of stores’, on page-19, item (d) ‘Discarding of spares
and stores items, sub point No. “i” shall be substituted as under:
(i) In respect of discarding of spares & stores items, below matrix shall be followed:
Limit of approval
Approving authority
Value of spares or stores to be discarded
- value upto Rs.10,000/- each case
SM + Dept.Head
Value above Rs.10,000/- upto Rs.50,000/-
each case
SM + concerned Dept.Head +
Value above Rs.50,000/- each
As in (b) above + VP(O)/KRR
Vehicle spares upto Rs.3,000/-
K.Sudhakaran(Mechanic at B/F) +
Dy.Mgr./ Manager (Admn) + SKJ
Vehicle spares above Rs.3,000/-
As in (d) above + AG
(a) Discarded items will be declared by HOD with valid reason like non-repairable/life
over/worn out with computerised Discard Slip. Stores will check and keep in lock and
(b) Items related to serial number must be correlated with purchase history for proper
warranty checking before discarding. Also utilisation period to be verified by Stores, and
recorded in ERP.
(c) Rubber/filter/nut bolt and washer/chain and consumables, used items etc. should be
discarded in a lot (with approximate price on kg basis) periodically by user department
and a single discard slip is enough where saleable value is almost ‘zero’. This should be
cleared on monthly basis.
(d) Non-purchased items/removed items from machine/in-house made item/MS item etc.
discarded value must be declared by HOD for Stores verification further so disposal
team can consider the same with final sale price. The declared value will be shown as a
separate column in our ERP and will not impact value of stock. It will be used as
guidance for items to be disposed.
(e) Monthly report to be circulated on discarded item with rate above Rs.2,000/- for final
approval of sale.
(f) Whenever old spare/parts are replaced, DM(Stores)/SM should collect discarded slip of
such old parts while issuing the new parts without any omission and handover the old
parts to Disposal Team, at least once in a month, to be kept under lock for disposal. The
old parts should not be re-issued to user department without obtaining proper approval.
(g) Whenever Stores Dept. is taking back any approved discard item, they should
categorise each item value-wise and handover to the by-product/disposable team later.
And Disposal Team should also maintain and allow transferring to discard godown in
particular lot only as per item nature while taking under their custody for immediate sale.
(h) The old/dead stock should be reviewed and action should be taken to discard the same
after approval as per Matrix given. Accounts Manager/DGM(C) will check and see that
SM performs accordingly in this respect.
(i) Before discarding any spares, toolings, dies, components etc., it should be thoroughly
checked by technical people.
(j) All breakages in stores, the value of which is Rs.500/- or less for each item must be
shown to DGM(C) or in his absence Accounts Manager for suitable action and then
adjustment should be made in the respective item’s stock. In case the value of breakage
is more than Rs.500/- in respect of each item, approval of HG/AG should be taken, who
will take suitable action on the concerned person. List of such breakages/loss should be
circulated by SM to DGM(C)/AG on monthly basis.
(k) If any item is not likely to be used due to change in design or change in requirement,
such items should be discarded with the approval of concerned HOD + DGM(C) +GM(A)
+ VP(O), who will instruct the Purchaser to see the replacement or buyback can be done
with best pricing.
(l) The Departmental Heads will send slip to SM clearly mentioning the defect and reason
for discarding the material along with full details, i.e. Code & Description, Price/Value,
Warranty Status, Issue Date etc. SM will keep the discarded material separately. At the
end of the month SM will sort out the material according to the approval to be obtained
and get the approval after inspection of the material. The details o such approval will be
entered in ERP and will be signed by the approving person. Apart from the above,
DGM(C)/SKJ will also verify the discarded item with individual approval and signed slips
and sign the report. Report will be maintained only for items where the value is above
Rs,2,000/- each. AL will receive the same and keep in discard/scrap godown.
21. Under Part II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page no.20, under point no “d”
“Discarding of Spares & Stores Items”, sub point no. “iii”, words note bookappearing in
fifth line will be substituted by words “ERP system and system report”.
22. Under Part II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page no.20, under point no “d”
“Discarding of Spares & Stores Items”, sub point no. “vi”, Name of Report, Frequency and
To be circulated shall be substituted as follows:
“vi. Following reports are to be circulated by store as per the chart give below:
Name of Report
To be circulated to
Rejected material lying in
Purchaser + SKJ + SKP + AG
Pending indent list
Purchaser + SKP + AG
Pending indent list - imports
Purchaser + SKP + AG
Dead stock list (Above Rs
items purchased but not
used in last one year
April, July,
M. Sathesh + ALG + KS
+ SKP + AG + VP(O)+PJK
For Rolling.
M. Sathesh + SS + RNS +
SKP + AG + VP(O)+PJK For
23. Under Part II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page no.21, under point no “e”
“Standards for Acceptance of material”, sub point no. “vi”, shall be substituted as follows:
vi Green Pet Strap(13 mm): This is sold in rolls, each roll measuring 2500 mtrs. Our
requirement is of Green Pet strap of 13 MM width x 0.56 mm thickness on 8” ID
Paper Core. Average net weight of 2500 mtrs roll is 22 kg. We may accept
variation in weight ±5%. Our purchase order should mention thickness, length and
weight. Stores should check length, thickness and weight.
Green Pet Strap(19 mm): This is sold in rolls, each roll measuring 670 mtrs. Our
requirement is of Green Pet strap of 19 MM width x 1.27 mm thickness on 16ID
Paper Core. Average net weight of 670 mtrs roll is 20 kg. We may accept variation
in weight ±5%. Our purchase order should mention thickness, length and weight.
Stores should check length, thickness and weight.
24. Under Part II “Guidelines for Procurement of Store Items”, on page no.21, under point no “f”
Guidelines for Procurement of Wooden Planks”, shall be substituted as follows:
f Guidelines for procurement of Wooden Planks for Packing :
01. JAL-RMD is procuring following 2 Types of Wooden Plank and Runner for making
wood Boxes and Pallets for Packing Aluminum Rolled Product and Extrusion:
a) Jungle Wood (For Use in Domestic Supply)
b) Seasoned Pine Wood/Silver Oak Wood (For use in Export Supply)
02. Specification of Jungle Wood
Specification of Jungle Wood
For Plank
As per
6" to 10"
19 mm
3 mm
Moisture Content
For Runner(Rectangular Size)
As per
As per
As per
3 mm
3 mm
Moisture Content
03. Specification of Pine Wood
Specification of Seasoned Pine Wood
For Plank
As per
As per
As per
3 mm
Moisture Content
Fungus Free
For Runner(Rectangular Size)
As per
As per
As per
3 mm
3 mm
Moisture Content
Fungus Free
04. After receipt of Wooden Plank and Runner(Both Jungle Wood and Pine Wood),store
should check thickness, width, length and Moisture in case of Pine wood will be
checked by QA Lab. Store Manager will ensure that material received is strictly as
per specification given in Indent. Quantity received to be calculated in CFT. In case
of any shortage with respect to Invoice/Challan should be clearly mentioned on Bill
by store and informed to Purchase Dept by mail within 2 Days of receipt of material
and account should Debit the corresponding shortage amount .In case of any
variation in size and quality, material should be rejected and returned to supplier on
their cost as soon as possible.
05. Before technically approving the bill, Packing department should check for the
quality of the wooden planks. Specially in the case of Pine wood / Silver Oak wood
planks, packing dept should ensure that same is seasoned and free from any
fungus and termite.
06. In case of Jungle wood planks, Sandeep Agarwal should give a tentative monthly
procurement plan through Stores to Purchase dept by third week of previous month,
which will be based on last 3 months average consumption and considering any
specific future requirements. In case of excess requirement, packing dept should
inform store and purchase at least 15 days in advance, so that Purchase dept can
arrange material.
07. Requirement of Pine wood / Silver Oak wood planks is to projected by Packing
department minimum four weeks ahead of requirement, since seasoning is involved.
June to September being rainy season, extra quantity should be purchased during
April & May, so that there is no shortage of wooden planks during rainy season.
08. Cutting Tolerance of (-) 3 mm is allowed in thickness of Planks and (-) 3 mm in
Thickness and Width for Runner.
09. Moisture Content Acceptability level will be 8-22% and not exceeding 22% for
Pine Wood.
10. User Dept/Store dept. shall give advance information, well in time for any extra
production month requirement.
11. User Dept/Store dept will try to keep sizes of wood at minimum level to avoid
accumulation of inventory.
25. Under Part IV “Guidelines for Accounting”, on page No.33, under point No.(C) Bill Passing”,
sub point No.(xxxii) shall be substituted as follows:
xxxii. Bills in cases where quantity received is more than ordered quantity, i.e. variation up
to 5% may be passed without approval but approval of indenting department is a must.
However, if variation is more than 5%, approval of DGM(C) + GM(A) is a must through soft
copy in ERP by Accounts Department.
26. Under Part XIII “Procedure for Construction Works”, on page No.87, under point No
(iv)“Guidelines for Construction Work Given On Contract (Including for Institutions)”, sub
point No.(b) shall be substituted as follows:
“b. Construction supervisor shall prepare indent for different items required and take
approval as follows:
Approving Authority
Up to Rs.10,000/-
SSJ / Praveen Agarwal
Above Rs.10,000/- and up to
As in (a) above + SKJ / AG + AD
Above Rs.1,50,000/-
As in (b) above + SKJ/SKP/AG +
AL/AD/SKJ will thereafter call for quotations from contractors (minimum three) for supply
of material, whereas for giving work on contract, AD/DS will call for quotation.”
27. Under Part XIII “Procedure for Construction Work”, on page no.90, under point no “v”
“Receipt and Issue of Stores Materials”, sub point no. “b”, words challans” appearing in
first line will be substituted by words “Gate Pass”.
28. Under Part XIII “Procedure for Construction Work”, on page no.91, under point no “v
“Receipt and Issue of Stores Materials”, sub point no. “i”, words SSJ/SKJ/SKP/AG
appearing in second line will be substituted by words “SSJ+SKJ+SKP+AG”.
29. Under Part XIV, “Perks and Facilities Provided for Staff and Worker Families Residing in
Quarters At D/F Colony ”, on page no.96, under point noiv” “relating to providing car
facility”, word “B/F” appearing in sixth line will be substituted by word D/F”.
30. (i) In this procedure , at all places word “GM” should be replaced with word “GM(A)”
(ii) On page 98 under the heading “Main abbreviations used”, words “GM: General
Manager”should be replaced with words “GM(A): General Manager (Adminstration).
31. (i) In this procedure , at all places word VP” should be replaced with word “VP(O)
(ii) On page 98 under the heading “Main abbreviations used”, words “VP: “Vice President
should be replaced with words “VP(O): Vice President (Operations). ”
32. (i) In this procedure , at all places word MDshould be replaced with word “VCMD
(ii) On page 98 under the heading “Main abbreviations used”, words “MD: “Managing
Director” should be replaced with words “VCMD: Vice Chairman & Managing Director.
Ashok Kumar Agarwal
DGM - Finance & Taxation